Disability Resource Library

A fast-growing collection of disability inclusion resources

Welcome to the Disability Debrief library, a catalogue of hand-picked news and resources from over 150 countries and regions.

Browsing the library you will find disabled people's stories, analysis, entertainment and the latest research. Explore disability around the world, and the ways it intersects with all areas of social life.

You can explore by subjects or countries. There's also a dedicated guide on climate change.

Below you can see some of the recent highlights. The latest update was in June 2024.

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Recent Highlights

In International News:

UN Flagship Report On Disability And Development 2024 (Jun, UN)

Open letter to the international disability rights community on Gaza “As a human rights movement, the disability rights community cannot remain silent.”

“For Gazans with disabilities, the circumstances could not be worse: the complete collapse of basic vital services, displacement, starvation, disease, and indiscriminate bombing have created a nightmare scenario in which their very survival is jeopardized. Israel’s restrictions on humanitarian aid exacerbate the challenges they face, limiting access to food, medicine, assistive devices and other vital supplies. While no official numbers are available, many children and adults with disabilities have been killed, including long-time disability rights defenders Bader Mosleh and Hashem Ghazal.” (May, A collective of human rights activists)

In India:

Democracy Denied Disabled Voters Face Barriers in India’s Polling Process (May, Disability Justice Project)

In Indonesia:

Bigger than the machine Ida Putri's journey into activism and creating opportunities for others. (May, Disability Debrief)

In Iraq:

Iraqis with Disabilities Excluded from Jobs Persistent Failure to Ensure Right to Work; Quotas Unfilled. See also a short video.

“Legal promises to employ people with disabilities in Iraq are not translating into real job opportunities,” said Sarah Sanbar, Iraq researcher at Human Rights Watch. “The gap between law and practice leaves hundreds of thousands of Iraqis with disabilities struggling to earn a living.” (Jun, Human Rights Watch)

In Nigeria:

Schisms in the Church A Debrief feature on the disconnect faced by deaf worshippers in Nigeria:

“This piece explores the challenges of deaf persons in the church. It draws from my own life and the experiences of other deaf folks, most of them close friends and acquaintances I met within the deaf community. We often talk about what causes our disconnection in church. We are treated as after-thoughts, objects of charity, sub-par humans, or needing healing. But we know we are much more.” (Apr, Disability Debrief)

In Palestine:

Data and resources on the situation in Gaza for Persons with Disabilities a compilaton of data and challenges faced by persons with disabilities. (Jun, Breaking the silence on Gaza)

In Singapore:

Inclusive hiring still a work in progress, despite strides made for people with disabilities (May, Today)

In Syria:

Disabilities in northwest Syria: Stories of resilience amid hardship. (May, The New Arab)

In Tanzania:

Child's father, Priest among nine arrested in murder of girl with albinism. Two-year old Asimwe Novath was abducted at the end of May and her body was found a bit over two weeks later. (Jun, The Citizen) See more about the search.

In Ukraine:

Russia told Ukrainians with disabilities they were visiting the seaside - but they were kidnapped and disappeared:

“Maksym and Inna are among at least 500 Ukrainians with disabilities – including children – that have likely been forcibly removed to Russian-held territory and Russia, according to an 18-month investigation by The Independent. The whereabouts of many of those we have documented remain unknown: of the people taken from Makysm’s facility, only 10 people have reappeared. None has been located from Inna’s.” (May, The Independent)

In the United Kingdom:

Testimonies from the past Debrief feature looking at disabled people's life writing shows how their stories challenge official histories:

“All too often it is only the powerful who get to tell stories. This profoundly shapes how we see the world. But writing history without the testimony of ordinary disabled people is just smoke and mirrors.” (Jun, Disability Debrief)

A new wave of disability media Debrief feature on navigating tensions between art, activism and access. (May, Disability Debrief)

In the United States:

The Hardest Thing to Carry: On Disability and Grief “It’s a terrible and beautiful contradiction that the disabilities that bonded us in life, that put us on the path to even meet, are the same ones that snatched my friends from me too soon.” (May, The Squeaky Wheelchair)

In Uzbekistan:

How accessible are public services to disabled people in Tashkent city? Monitoring visits and photographs. (May, Dilmurad Yusupov)