Disability Resource Library
Welcome to the Disability Debrief library, a catalogue of hand-picked news and resources from over 150 countries and regions.
Browsing the library you will find disabled people's stories, analysis, entertainment and the latest research. Explore disability around the world, and the ways it intersects with all areas of social life.
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Below you can see some of the recent highlights. The latest update was in July 2024.
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Recent Highlights
UN Flagship Report On Disability And Development 2024 (Jun, UN)
ChatGPT is biased against resumes with credentials that imply a disability — but it can improve:
‘researchers found that ChatGPT consistently ranked resumes with disability-related honors and credentials — such as the “Tom Wilson Disability Leadership Award” — lower than the same resumes without those honors and credentials. But when researchers customized the tool with written instructions directing it not to be ableist, the tool reduced this bias for all but one of the disabilities tested.’ (Jun, UW News)
How People with Disabilities Use the Web updated resource to help “developers, designers, content creators, and others understand the reasons behind creating accessible digital products”. (Jun, W3C Web Accessibility Initiative)
In Finland:
Disability Tax in the Welfare State: Uncertainty and Resentment about Disability Services in Finland:
“The disability tax experiences are elaborated through four aspects: (1) rejected applications, (2) uncertain realisation, (3) laborious complaint mechanisms, and (4) the psycho–emotional effect. The findings of this study establish collective experiences of multi-layered disability tax throughout the disability services process. It concludes that disability services, which were originally planned to specifically ensure equal opportunities to participate in society for persons with disabilities, are increasingly becoming the very sources of burden as austerity has silently grown deeper over recent years and has become the clear policy of the current government.” (Jun, Disabilities)
In Iraq:
Iraqis with Disabilities Excluded from Jobs Persistent Failure to Ensure Right to Work; Quotas Unfilled. See also a short video.
“Legal promises to employ people with disabilities in Iraq are not translating into real job opportunities,” said Sarah Sanbar, Iraq researcher at Human Rights Watch. “The gap between law and practice leaves hundreds of thousands of Iraqis with disabilities struggling to earn a living.” (Jun, Human Rights Watch)
In Nepal:
‘Sikka’ harmonises diversity and accessibility Blind Rocks’ new music video with audio description and closed captions ensures accessibility for blind and deaf audiences. (Jul, Kathmandu Post)
In Palestine:
Data and resources on the situation in Gaza for Persons with Disabilities a compilaton of data and challenges faced by persons with disabilities. (Jun, Breaking the silence on Gaza)
In Switzerland:
Disability at the end of class thoughtful discussion of debate on inclusive education. (In French, Jul, Couper l'herbe sous les roues)
In Tanzania:
Child's father, Priest among nine arrested in murder of girl with albinism. Two-year old Asimwe Novath was abducted at the end of May and her body was found a bit over two weeks later. (Jun, The Citizen) See more about the search.
In Ukraine:
You can't just use the restroom: why Ukraine's capital is far from barrier-free. Interviews with officials and activists. (Jul, UNN)
Russia told Ukrainians with disabilities they were visiting the seaside - but they were kidnapped and disappeared:
“Maksym and Inna are among at least 500 Ukrainians with disabilities – including children – that have likely been forcibly removed to Russian-held territory and Russia, according to an 18-month investigation by The Independent. The whereabouts of many of those we have documented remain unknown: of the people taken from Makysm’s facility, only 10 people have reappeared. None has been located from Inna’s.” (May, The Independent)
In the United Kingdom:
Fall with me My childhood, told through its falls. (Jul, Disability Debrief)
Testimonies from the past Debrief feature looking at disabled people's life writing shows how their stories challenge official histories:
“All too often it is only the powerful who get to tell stories. This profoundly shapes how we see the world. But writing history without the testimony of ordinary disabled people is just smoke and mirrors.” (Jun, Disability Debrief)
In the United States:
“How the candidates, voters and media react to age and perceived ability will play a key role in determining the years ahead. Ageism and ableism are key actors in a drama played out on the highest stage, for the highest stakes.” (Jul, Disability Debrief)
In Uzbekistan:
How accessible are public services to disabled people in Tashkent city? Monitoring visits and photographs. (May, Dilmurad Yusupov)