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“A wonderful resource.”
Haben Girma, disability rights lawyer
“Strong and unflinching storytelling.”
Marcie Roth, World Institute on Disability
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Cara Yar Khan, international disability rights advisor
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Dragana Ciric Milovanovic, Disability Rights International
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Erica Brody, Disability Equity & Inclusion Strategist, Google
“A wonderful read.”
Akwe Amosu, Symposium on Strength and Solidarity for Human Rights
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Pieter Bossink, Australia Awards Cambodia
“The Debrief gets stuff nobody else does.”
Lucy Marie Richardson, Disability and Child Protection Specialist
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Ahmed Ghanem, UNICEF
“Excellent and encyclopaedic.”
Kevin Gotkin, Crip News
“The Debrief is an essential document for the world.”
Tanmoy Goswami, creator of Sanity.
“Such a welcome addition to my inbox, frequently containing topics you literally won't read anywhere else.”
Tina Lee, editor-in-chief of Unbias the News
“By far the best and most comprehensive newsletter on disability issues out there.”
Kamil Goungor, disabled activist and travel blogger.
“If you want authentic stuff, then subscribe to Peter's writing. Hard hitting yet so real!”
Fredrick Ouko, ADD International