About Disability Debrief
Disability Debrief is an engaging guide, for the disability community and disability curious. It sees world news through a disability lens.
A weekly newsletter combines lived experience, analysis, art and original reporting. And an online library curates resources from over 160 countries.
What they say
“I can't work without it.”
Catherine Hyde Townsend, Ford Foundation
“A revolution in disability information.”
Mosharraf Hossain, Global Inclusion Consulting
“I love the Debrief: great information, great humour and always something to learn.”
Karen Andrae, Consultant
“I'm in awe of how comprehensive, thoughtful and readable Peter's newsletter is! I wish it were in my life sooner.”
Jen Bokoff, Disability Rights Fund
“Disability Debrief filled a gap in our sector. It pulls together everything that's going on and does so in an easily-digestible way.”
Penny Innes, UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
“Disability Debrief provides a perspective from a world I'm re-learning to navigate, one that's incredibly well-researched and makes me hope for a better future.”
Jodi Ettenberg, Curious about Everything
See more quotes from happy readers.
About Peter
As well as being a disabled person myself, I've spent many years advising folk on disability rights. I'm a freelancer working with international organizations, including United Nations agencies, to try to make the world a better place for disabled people.
Mostly I am writing from Colchester, England, which is also where I grew up. I'm back here after over 10 years studying, working, and language-learning in Brazil, Bangladesh, Switzerland and Egypt.
I love hearing from readers! Do be in touch.
Debrief team
Together with Peter, regular contributors are:
- Áine Kelly-Costello, a disabled story-teller and advocate based in New Zealand, leads our work on the climate crisis. Áine is a regular editor of other Debrief work, too.
- Tan Kuan Aw's watercolours illustrated the Debrief from 2022-24 and his portrait of Peter is still on the homepage. An artist and artist advocate based in Penang, Malyasia, Kuan Aw passed away in 2025.
The Debrief logo is designed by Kinanty Andini an artist and graphic designer in Indonesia.
As well as its contributors, the Debrief is made by its community. Guests come to interviews, readers send feedback, friends give advice, and your financial support let's us keep doing this.
Disability Debrief is funded on a pay-as-you-can basis. Support from over 100 individuals and more than ten organisations makes this work possible.
Partners providing support include:
- Center for Inclusive Policy, a non-profit advisory service on inclusive policies and programmes. Special thanks to CIP for support since 2020!
- Sightsavers, an international development organisation working on disability rights.
- Ford Foundation, a private foundation supporting human welfare.
- K. Li, an old friend and generous donor.
- CBM Global, who work alongside people with disabilities in the world's poorest places.
- Disability Rights Fund, a grantmaking collaborative.
As well as these partners, the Debrief has a backer in Light for the World and subscriptions from Disability Policy Solutions, Disability Rights International, GIZ, the Disability Rights Division at Human Rights Watch, Into Inclusion, Impel Consultancy, Minority Rights, Robert Bosch Stiftung, Tilting the Lens, USAID, and Women Enabled. It also has support from two organisations that prefer not to be named here: one UN agency and one private foundation.
Editorial control is solely in the hands of Disability Debrief and not these supporting individuals or organisations.
About this website
The Debrief newsletter is delivered by email and all back-issues are available on this website. See the library for those, and other ways you can explore the news.
We did do work to make the website more accessible. See the accessibility statement for a description of what I didn't manage to fix.
The site is hosted on Ghost, a platform that uses open-source publishing software. The database of news is stored in SQLite and I rolled some python scripts to interface with it.