Disability in Fiji
Curated news and resources on inclusion and rights
Library > Countries > Oceania > Fiji
This page has curated news from Fiji. There are a total of 5 links.
Gender Equality and Women with Disabilities
Pride and Inclusion in the Pacific “video featuring Eve Naqio, a trans woman and deaf advocate, who is the spirited project officer for the Disability Pride Hub in Fiji.” (2023, DRF)
LGBTQI + People with Disabilities Should Not Be Left Behind “Isoa Nabainivalu from Fiji is Creating a Safe Space For Members of His Organization to Feel Comfortable About Their Sexual Orientation and Identity” (2023, Disability Justice Project)
Needs assessment on women and young people with disabilities. (2022, UNFPA)
History and Memorial
Deepest condolences to the family and colleagues of Angeline Chand (2024, Disability Rights Fund)
Policy and Rights
Analysis of government budget (2022, CIP)