Disability news and resources in Asia

Disability news and resources

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This page lists the countries in Asia with resources and recent highlights.


Recent Highlights

In Bangladesh:

‘They forgot about me’: a powerful photo-essay exploring the stories of people with disabilities and the risks they face during natural disasters. “Which child should I carry, this one or that one?” (Jan, The World)

In India:

Democracy Denied Disabled Voters Face Barriers in India’s Polling Process (May, Disability Justice Project)

Tamil Nadu’s disabled community fights to enter electoral politics “Legislative action and grassroots activism are challenging deep-rooted social norms and pushing for the political inclusion of disabled people.” (Apr, The Hindu)

Everyone is Good at Something. Stories and photographs of disabled people from all over India. (India Inclusion Foundation)

In Indonesia:

Bigger than the machine Ida Putri's journey into activism and creating opportunities for others. (May, Disability Debrief)

In Iraq:

Iraqis with Disabilities Excluded from Jobs Persistent Failure to Ensure Right to Work; Quotas Unfilled. See also a short video.

“Legal promises to employ people with disabilities in Iraq are not translating into real job opportunities,” said Sarah Sanbar, Iraq researcher at Human Rights Watch. “The gap between law and practice leaves hundreds of thousands of Iraqis with disabilities struggling to earn a living.” (Jun, Human Rights Watch)

In Nepal:

Crossroads a video documentary showing the lives of blind women in Nepal particularly in terms of relationships (and two whose husbands left them). Hardship, hope, and the collective efforts of activists working to change. (Mar, Disability Justice Project)

This 28-year-old from Nepal is telling COP28: Don't forget people with disabilities. (2023, NPR)

In Palestine:

Data and resources on the situation in Gaza for Persons with Disabilities a compilaton of data and challenges faced by persons with disabilities. (Jun, Breaking the silence on Gaza)

Impact of the conflict on people with disabilities in the Gaza Strip. Thematic report summarising available information. (Feb, acaps)

The number of persons with disabilities has doubled in Gaza Strip between 2007 and 2017. (2023, Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics)

In Singapore:

Inclusive hiring still a work in progress, despite strides made for people with disabilities (May, Today)

In Syria:

Disabilities in northwest Syria: Stories of resilience amid hardship. (May, The New Arab)

In Uzbekistan:

How accessible are public services to disabled people in Tashkent city? Monitoring visits and photographs. (May, Dilmurad Yusupov)

In Yemen:

Successes and Setbacks a Debrief feature on the life stories of women with disabilities. (Jan, Disability Debrief)