Policy and Rights

Disability inclusion resources from around the world

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This page has curated news on Policy and Rights. There are resources from 88 countries and regions, with a total of 231 links.

Related subtopics:


From International News:

Progress on disability rights risks going in reverse. Remarks from António Guterres. “We must do much, much better,” (2023, UN)

Disability Policy Worldwide database of policies around the world. (2023, World Policy Analysis Center)

From the Asia-Pacific:

Framework for disability policies and strategies:

“The essential elements of a disability policy include a commitment to disability mainstreaming, intentionality around ensuring disability inclusion efforts are part and parcel of the national development agendas, the allocation of adequate budgets, the establishment of robust implementation mechanisms, the articulation of implementable objectives, and guidance for disability strategies. The essential elements for disability strategies include the completion of a situational analysis and the identification of priorities, actions to put into practice the state’s obligations to implement the CRPD, the identification of intended outcomes and objectives, and finally the adaptation of national development mechanisms and plans so they are fully inclusive of persons with disabilities.” (2022, UNESCAP)

From Europe:

Does the future of Europe include disability? The Conference on the Future of Europe failed to address persons with disabilities. (2022, Social Europe)

From France:

The Council of Europe denounces violation of rights of people with disabilities by the French State:

“The Council of Europe has now declared the lack of support and shortage of support services, socio-economic injustices, difficulty in accessing housing and health care, but also the refusal of schooling. The freedom and dignity of people with disabilities are hindered, their rights are violated by the French state.” (2023, Inclusion Europe)

From Palestine:

Gaza: Israeli Restrictions Harm People with Disabilities. Neglect by Hamas Authorities, Armed Conflict Cause Further Hardship:

“More than a decade of Israeli restrictions have robbed people with disabilities in Gaza of their freedom of movement, and often access to the devices, electricity, and technology they need to communicate or leave their homes. These policies, alongside the failure of Hamas authorities to address the lack of accessibility across Gaza and widespread stigma, contribute to making life in Gaza extraordinarily difficult for many people with disabilities.” (2020, Human Rights Watch)

From South Sudan:

South Sudan signed the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. (2023, LFTW)

Resources by country:


International News

Time to Recognize Persons with Disabilities and the Slave Trade (Aug, Just Security)

First week of 31st CRPD Committee Session Updates from Burkina Faso, Benin, and The Netherlands. (Aug, IDA)

Second-week update of 31st CRPD Committee Session. With reviews of Ghana, Belarus, Belgium, Denmark, Mauritius and Ukraine. (Aug, IDA)

17th Session Of The Conference Of States Parties To The CRPD (COSP17). Agenda and videos of meetings. (Jun, UN)

Inclusive Accountability: The Current State of International Criminal Law and Disability:

“Even as this renaissance [of international criminal law] is establishing more robust methods for ensuring greater accountability for international crimes, absent from these negotiations, discussions, and documents is consideration of persons with disabilities and their lived experiences.” (Jun, HPOD)

Disability over-confident Commitments to inclusion not being put into practice. (Jun, Disability Debrief)

Lessons and Conclusions from 34 Countries from situational analyses on the rights of persons with disabilities:

“All of the situation analyses confirm that critical gaps exist in the capacities of the stakeholders responsible for implementing and monitoring commitments towards disability inclusion. Policy-level commitments at the national level are easy to make. They do not require specific capacities and they generate positive feedback from the international community for leaders. However, if these commitments do not lead to implementation and enforcement mechanisms with sufficient resource and capacities (at the local level as well), they will remain empty promises.” (Apr, UNPRPD)

CRPD Committee’s Concluding Observations Compilation updated April 2024. (Apr, IDA)

Strengthening the Inclusion, Protection and Wellbeing of Human Rights Defenders with Disabilities, a guide. (Mar, Protection International)

30th Session of the CRPD Committee (Mar, OHCHR)

The Human Rights System Is Under Threat World Report 2024. Country reports include sections on disability rights. (Jan, Human Rights Watch)

The Routledge International Handbook of Disability Human Rights Hierarchies: “Despite important progress, the disability human rights project not only remains incomplete, but has often created new hierarchies among persons with disabilities themselves or across the human rights it promotes.” (2023, Routledge)

Legal Capacity, Disability and Human Rights a book exploring these issues with chapters by legal scholars. Edited by Michael Bach, Nicolás Espejo-Yaksic. (2023)

CRPD Committee closed its 29th session: eight Concluding Observations coming soon. (2023, IDA)

Progress on disability rights risks going in reverse. Remarks from António Guterres. “We must do much, much better,” (2023, UN)

Will disabled people be accounted for in the UN process for a crimes against humanity treaty? (2023, Just Security)

Global Report on Deafblindness: Good Practices and Recommendations for the Inclusion of Persons with Deafblindness (2023, WFDB)

Compilation of CRPD Closing Observations by each article of the convention. (2023, IDA, Dropbox)

World Report 2023 makes many references to disability in each of the country profiles and provides a mixed but optimistic view on a “new international embrace of human rights”:

“The magnitude, scale, and frequency of human rights crises across the globe show the urgency of a new framing and new model for action. Viewing our greatest challenges and threats to the modern world through a human rights lens reveals not only the root causes of disruption but also offers guidance to address them.” (2023, Human Rights Watch)

Transformation of services for persons with disabilities. “New technologies and participation allow us to imagine support services of persons with disabilities beyond traditional models based on impairment and dependency. This report offers a framework to rethink these services with personhood, autonomy and human rights at their center.” (2023, Gerard Quinn) Also on OHCHR.

Youth lead anti-corruption talks on disability (2023, EDYN)

Disability Policy Worldwide database of policies around the world. (2023, World Policy Analysis Center)

A lively discussion on the most under-researched topic when it comes to inclusive policies? (2022, Center for Inclusive Policy)

Restoring the personhood of persons with disabilities short intervention on how “the Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities is allowing those who were assumed to be hidden permanently from the world to have their moral agency both respected and restored.” See also further remarks on disability and the struggle for personhood. (2022, Gerard Quinn, Special Rapporteur)

How Human Rights Defenders with disabilities are targeted & excluded globally. See the video testimonies. (2022, Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders)

The Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities had its twenty-seventh session reviewing reports from Bangladesh, China, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China, Macau Special Administrative Region of China, Indonesia, Japan, Lao People's Democratic Republic, New Zealand, Republic of Korea and Singapore. See also documentation from the meetings. (2022, OHCHR)

Disability rights: How ‘nothing about us without us’ powered a global treaty. A vital, wide-ranging conversation exploring development of the Convention and onwards onto tensions today, with focus on legal capacity, mental health and psycho-social disabilities:

“The medical model that the disability community abandoned is still very prevalent for persons with psychosocial disabilities. It’s very hard to do advocacy that is not framed through mental health lens. [...] When people talk about your rights, (they) think we need to ensure access to mental health services and quality support, but nobody’s talking about my right to employment, my right to education. [...] The mental health system works as a gatekeeper. If I want to access a social benefit, I actually have to go to see a psychiatrist that will say that I have a disability and depending on the country, he may say, actually, this person doesn’t take medication; he may need to be assessed to see if he has the capacity to decide not to take medication. [...] You have a system ready to take away your rights.” (2022, Strength and Solidarity)

CIP Discussion on how development partners influence governments in taking ownership of disability inclusion? (2022, CIP)

CIP Question of the month is on the gap between policy and practice in disability rights in low and middle-income countries, and what can be done to close it. (2022, CIP)

Report on disability legislation and how it works for people with Facial Disfigurements “While the UNCRPD provides a strong theoretical foundation for protecting the rights of people with facial disfigurements through its wide definition of disability, in reality, it has had more limited practical success, owing to the limited accountability measures in place” (link to pdf, 2022, Face Equality)

We cannot keep leaving women with disabilities behind in leadership (2022, African Arguments)

Face Equality is a Human Right:

“Historically, legal recognition of disfigurement has been limited to disability laws and spaces. But is facial difference always classed as a disability? While it is true that there is often an overlap between the two characteristics, many members of the facial difference community indicate that facial difference is an identity in itself.” (link to pdf, 2022, Face Equality International)

Taxes, Budgets, and Human Rights: Part of a series on key concepts in human rights and the economy:

‘the use of public resources can help to tackle centuries of exclusion towards certain groups (like women, indigenous peoples, people with disabilities, LGBTIQ+ communities, and more) who have been systematically denied their rights. In fact, any group fighting for social justice is going to face, at some point, the question of “how to pay” to fix the problem.’ (2022, CESR)

Why tax justice is critical to the rights of persons with disabilities. Injustices that persons with disabilities face “cannot be properly tackled without dedicated public resources. ” (2022, CESR)

CRPD Committee Twenty-Sixth Session considered State reports of Hungary, Jamaica, Mexico,Switzerland and Venezuela. (2022, OHCHR)

The proposal for a United Nations Convention on Tax aims to ensure that tax systems support realization of goals relating to equality, including the rights of persons with disabilities, and that States report on this. (2022, Eurodad)

Unchaining Disability Law Global Considerations, Limitations and Possibilities in the Global South and East:

‘Over the past years, there have been increased legal measures to protect and promote the rights of persons with disabilities. Yet there has been significantly less action in relation to direct prosecution, despite mounting global pressure from disability rights advocates. The majority of persons with disabilities continue to live on the margins of, and often outside, the law, as the law offers them little or no protection because of deep stigmatization, inequality, and marginality. Institutions designed to protect persons with disabilities in countries positioned on the “global peripheries of law” are “places in the world where it is particularly difficult to realize human rights in practice.”’ (2022, AJIL Unbound)

A paper exploring how Fiscal policy needs a focus on disability: how to make this possible? (in Spanish, 2022, Principles for Human Rights in Fiscal Policy)

The 15th session of the Conference of States Parties to the CRPD is scheduled in New York from 14th to 16h June (2022, UN)

Human Rights Watch World Report 2022 starts with a discussion of autocrats "on the defensive" and how democracies can "rise to the ocassion"; from there it is an update on human rights by country, including updates on disability rights. (2022, Human Rights Watch)

5 types of discriminatory laws that punish you for having leprosy (2022, Leprosy Mission)

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Landmark Jakarta Declaration Endorsed “The Jakarta Declaration on the Asian and Pacific Decade of Persons with Disabilities, 2023–2032 was endorsed by the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) in May 2023.” (2023, Make the Right Real!)

Using the Capability Approach to Review the National Legislative Frameworks for Support Services for Persons with Disabilities in Four Countries in Asia: “most countries address support services, including assistive devices, only from the perspective of a social security measure for persons with disabilities living in poverty, failing to uphold the rights of those not meeting those eligibility criteria.” (2022, Societies)

Three-decade journey towards inclusion: assessing the state of disability-inclusive development. (2022, UNESCAP)

Framework for disability policies and strategies:

“The essential elements of a disability policy include a commitment to disability mainstreaming, intentionality around ensuring disability inclusion efforts are part and parcel of the national development agendas, the allocation of adequate budgets, the establishment of robust implementation mechanisms, the articulation of implementable objectives, and guidance for disability strategies. The essential elements for disability strategies include the completion of a situational analysis and the identification of priorities, actions to put into practice the state’s obligations to implement the CRPD, the identification of intended outcomes and objectives, and finally the adaptation of national development mechanisms and plans so they are fully inclusive of persons with disabilities.” (2022, UNESCAP)

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A Milestone in Disability Rights in Africa Entry into Force of the African Disability Protocol:

“The ADP addresses inadequacies in the African human rights system, tackles deep-rooted issues of disability discrimination, and promotes community living and inclusive development.” (Jul, Inklusion leben)

ECOWAS Now Has a Regional Action Plan for the Inclusion of People with Disabilities in West Africa for the 2022-2030 Period. (Jun, ECOWAS)

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Botswana’s Legislative Milestone: Championing Disability Rights with a new Persons with Disabilities Act which creates a Disability Coordinating Office and Disability Council, and a budget of 2.6 million USD. (Feb, Weekend Post)

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East Africa

Legislator Revives push for regional law (2022, The New Times)

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Words on paper, or a changing reality? What persons with disabilities want in Egypt. (In Arabic, Mar, Alhurra)

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Situation Analysis of the rights of persons with disabilities. (2022, UNPRPD)

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Disability-Inclusive Education and Employment: Understanding the Context (2023, Mastercard Foundation)

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Situation Analysis of the rights of persons with disabilities. (2022, UNPRPD)

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Disability-Inclusive Education and Employment: Understanding the Context (2023, Mastercard Foundation)

Situation Analysis of the rights of persons with disabilities. (2022, UNPRPD)

Learn How the Ghanaian Disability Rights Movement is Influencing National Policy. (2022, DRF)

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Burden of discrimination faced by persons with disabilities testimonials and survey results, in healthcare and other areas. (In French, Jul, Africaguineee.com)

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Shackling of mentally ill people is unacceptable and must be stopped (2023, The Standard)

Disability-Inclusive Education and Employment: Understanding the Context (2023, Mastercard Foundation)

The state of disability inclusion in Kenya: An analysis of the past 60 years. (2023)

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Parliament passes new disabilities law (2023, The Nation Online)

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Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Commend Mauritania’s Legislative Efforts to Protect Persons with Disabilities, Ask Questions on Measures to Support Women with Disabilities and Access to Disability Cards (2023)

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Nigerians with disabilities experience discrimination despite existing laws A wide-ranging look at areas of discrimination in Lagos State. (Apr, Premium Times)

Stakeholders Hail Signing Of African Disability Protocol (2023, Heritage Times)

Disability-Inclusive Education and Employment: Understanding the Context (2023, Mastercard Foundation)

10% of social investment programmes will be set aside for inclusion of persons with disabilities, declares the minister of social development. (2022, The Cable)

The House of Representatives passes a bill prohibiting discrimination against persons with disability (2022, Nigerian Tribune)

Nigerian Disability Rights Acts: 3 years after Prospects and challenges (2022, Pulse NG)

Lagos Govt Reiterates Commitment to People with Disabilities "with the launch of comic books aimed at promoting a friendly platform for disability inclusion." (2021, This Day)

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People With Albinism Need Inclusiveness, Not Pity (2023, The New Times)

Personal barriers to participation in chosen instrumental activities of daily living among community-dwelling persons with schizophrenia in Rwanda. (2023, African Journal of Disability)

Disability-Inclusive Education and Employment: Understanding the Context (2023, Mastercard Foundation)

Situation Analysis of the rights of persons with disabilities. (2022, UNPRPD)

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Disability-Inclusive Education and Employment: Understanding the context. (2023, Mastercard Foundation)

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Sierra Leone

Situation Analysis of the rights of persons with disabilities. (2022, UNPRPD)

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South Africa

Government committed to supporting people with disabilities opening remarks at the meeting of the Presidential Working Group on Disability. (2023, SA News)

Key considerations for an inclusive framework for youth with disabilities in post-apartheid South Africa. (2022, African Journal on Disability)

Cabinet approves Framework on Disability Rights Awareness Campaigns (2022, SA News)

South African Autism community says 'government has overlooked us for long enough' (2022, News 24)

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Tanzania outlines measures to protect people with albinism (Jun, The Citizen)

UN Committee condemns Tanzania's lack of action on ritual killings and mutilations of people with albinism:

“We call on the State party to urgently and unambiguously condemn any attacks against people with albinism and to investigate any such attacks promptly and effectively,” said Committee member Amalia Gamio Ríos. “Failure to do so sends a message that ritual killings and mutilations are condoned, which amounts to serious violations of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities,” (Apr, OHCHR)

Situation Analysis of the rights of persons with disabilities. (2022, UNPRPD)

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Experts of the CRPD Commend Tunisia on Distributing Accessible Technology, Ask Questions on Disaster Response Plans and Access for Refugees and Asylum Seekers with Disabilities to Essential Services (2023, OHCHR)

Situation Analysis of the rights of persons with disabilities. (2022, UNPRPD)

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Disability-Inclusive Education and Employment: Understanding the Context (2023, Mastercard Foundation)

A music video on disability rights: Did You Know - Air Jay ft Daxx Kartel (2022, Make 12.4% Work)

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CRPD experts review Zambia: Commend Zambia on Disability Legislation, Raise Questions on Persons with Albinism and Land Bursaries for Persons with Disabilities (Mar, OHCHR)

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Disability campaigners in Zimbabwe speak out The campaigners want the outdated Disabled Persons Act of 1992 to be repealed. (Feb, Global Voices)

Situation Analysis of the rights of persons with disabilities. (2022, UNPRPD)

A call to include people living with disabilities in development programmes. (2022, Chronicle)

Include PWDs in politics, governance, govt urged (2022, News Day)

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Living with the stigma of facial disfigurement in India and Nepal. (Link to pdf, Feb, Face Equality International)

Assessing disability rights in four Asian countries: The perspectives of disabled people on physical, attitudinal and cultural barriers. (Jan, Political Geography)

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Situation Analysis of the rights of persons with disabilities. (2022, UNPRPD)

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CRPD experts review of Azerbaijan: Recognise as Positive the Approval of Azerbaijan’s Inclusive Education Programme, Raise Questions on Accessible Public Transport and on Risk and Emergency Plans (Mar, OHCHR)

A chance for a better life: restoring justice for people with disabilities in Azerbaijan. Profile of an profile providing legal aid. (Jan, EU Neighbours East)

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Bangladesh falling behind on disability rights disabled groups protested limited supports in the new budget. “The monthly allowance for people with disabilities is still Tk 850, which is nothing but a mockery of their deepening vulnerability.” (2023, The Business Standard)

Situation Analysis of the rights of persons with disabilities. (2022, UNPRPD)

Input to the UN Committee highlights areas of concern that Human Rights Watch hopes will inform the Committee’s consideration of the government’s compliance with its obligations under the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. (2022, Human Rights Watch)

Inclusive development needs disability-friendly budget. (2022, The Daily Star)

Advocacy on Disability Inclusive National Budget 2022-23 (2022, The Daily Star)

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Situation Analysis of the rights of persons with disabilities. (2022, UNPRPD)

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Situation Analysis of the rights of persons with disabilities. (2022, UNPRPD)

Cameroon ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (in French, 2021, Republique du Cameroun)

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China and Disability a journal special issue exploring disability rights in China. (Review of Disability Studies)

Ongoing Challenges Faced by Persons with Disabilities in the People’s Republic of China (2023, US Congressional-Executive Commission on China)

Draft law to improve accessible facilities under review. (2022, China Daily)

Input to the UN Committee highlights areas of concern in consideration of the government’s compliance with its obligations under the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. (2022, Human Rights Watch)

Disability Inclusion in China an overview helpdesk report. "The disability movement in China has been disproportionately affected by the Charity Law and Overseas NGO Law, which have necessitated a move from advocacy towards service provision. " (link to pdf, 2021, SD Direct)

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Situation Analysis of the rights of persons with disabilities. (2022, UNPRPD)

Situation Analysis of the Rights of People with Disabilities Describes legislative and policy progress but "despite these changes, little has improved in the daily lives of many persons with disabilities in Georgia". (2022, UNDP)

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How Budget 2023 'neglected and condemned' persons with disabilities: “despite the rhetoric of 'Inclusive India' [...] persons with disabilities continue to be ignored by the State.” (2023, Money Control)

Budget 2023 spend on disability: Move towards investment for social inclusion. (2023, Times of India)

Government advisory board on disability not re-constituted since November 2020 (2022, The Hindu)

New Policy for disabled paves way for early intervention centres employment portal & national database (2022, Times of India) Concerns raised that the draft was not accessible (The Hindu)

Analysis of government budget (2022, CIP)

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National Commission on Disabilities receives thousands of complaints through a National Disabilities Channel. (2022, Antara News)

Input to the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2022, Human Rights Watch)

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Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Commend Israel on Efforts to Stimulate Employment of Persons with Disabilities, Ask Questions on Measures to Protect Persons with Disabilities in the Occupied Territories and to Promote Inclusive Education. (2023, OHCHR)

Life for Israelis with disabilities is a well-kept secret “For-profit institutions and government neglect have led to brutal abuse and exploitation.” Explored in the context of immigration laws that allow for recognition of disability before migration. (2023, Jewish News Syndicate)

Editorial on a government bill that allocates funding for disability inclusion: A major achievement for Israel (2022, Jerusalem Post)

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Conclusions from the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities on the rights of people with disabilities in Japan: “Committee Experts commended Japan’s compensation of victims of eugenic surgery, while asking questions on institutionalisation and inclusive education.” (2022, OHCHR)

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Jordan stands out as a regional leader on disability rights. Celebrating a “sophisticated body of law” and calling for actions to address inequalities and exclusion. (2022, Gerard Quinn)

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Podcast discussion on the persons with disabilities act: “a toothless tiger”. (No transcript, 2023, BFM)

Nothing about Us without Us “Malaysia has a long-standing practice of making policy decisions and planning programmes for persons with disabilities (OKU) and care partners – without engaging us.” (2022, FMT)

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Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Commend Mongolia on Initiatives Promoting Sign Language, Ask Questions on Accessibility Measures and the Legal Capacity of Persons with Disabilities. (2023, OHCHR)

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Disabled face discrimination in Myanmar. “There is little wonder in a society that is attempting to develop economically and culturally after decades of military regime mismanagement that those on the bottom rungs have a particularly hard time, in part because they tend to be ignored.” (2022, Mizzima)

Disability in Myanmar (2014 - 2019) Analytical brief exploring the situation of disabled people. “People with disabilities in Myanmar typically have challenges in access to education, fewer livelihood opportunities, and reduced social inclusion.” (2021, MIMU)

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Situation Analysis of the rights of persons with disabilities. (2022, UNPRPD)

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Ability in disability: “Are we doing our bit to empower people with special needs in Pakistan?” (2023, Geo.tv)

Persons with disabilities demand true inclusion. Covering the last decade of actions on disability rights. (2023, Fair Planet)

Pakistani people with disabilities “It has taken a long time for Pakistan to pass legislation to contend with some of the challenges faced by PWDs” (2022, Tribune)

Socio-Economic inclusion of PWDs Towards an Inclusive, Accessible & Sustainable Pakistan (2021, Pakistan Today)

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Gaza: Israeli Restrictions Harm People with Disabilities. Neglect by Hamas Authorities, Armed Conflict Cause Further Hardship:

“More than a decade of Israeli restrictions have robbed people with disabilities in Gaza of their freedom of movement, and often access to the devices, electricity, and technology they need to communicate or leave their homes. These policies, alongside the failure of Hamas authorities to address the lack of accessibility across Gaza and widespread stigma, contribute to making life in Gaza extraordinarily difficult for many people with disabilities.” (2020, Human Rights Watch)

Disability in Gaza: a review of policy, barriers to inclusion and a mapping of interventions:

“The intervention mapping found that although there are many interventions (including both disability mainstreamed and disability-specific interventions) in Gaza, these are mostly health-related and targeted at the individual level rather than addressing attitudinal or institutional barriers.” (Link to pdf, 2019)

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A collection of essays: Not Without Us: Perspectives on Disability and Inclusion in Singapore. “In a city-state slowly moving towards inclusion, how do those meant to be 'included' feel about such efforts?” (2023, Ethos Books) See an extract from one of the chapters, on medicine and marginality.

Experts of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Ask Questions on the Death Penalty and Access to Health Insurance. (2022, OHCHR)

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New legislative decree on the rights of persons with disabilities and the obligations of public and private entities towards them. (In Arabic, Jul, Sana)

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The law about us is being passed without us: how amendments to disability legislation were developed without participation of people with disabilities. (In Russian, May, Gazeta)

Situation Analysis of the rights of persons with disabilities. (2022, UNPRPD)

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Situation Analysis of the rights of persons with disabilities. (2022, UNPRPD)

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Worrying lack of mention of disability in the next Commission’s political priorities (Jul, EDF)

Disability issues in the Hungarian Presidency of the Council (Jul, EDF)

EDF's Enforcement Toolkit “The aim of this toolkit is to provide persons with disabilities and their representative organisations with an overview of the remedy mechanisms that they can use when they experience or identify a breach of their rights as contained in EU Law and clarify which one is the most appropriate for each circumstance.” (May, EDF)

The proposed Regulation on Protection of Adults must be amended (2023, EDF)

Union of equality? Here’s the reality. A report on what the “European way of life” means for 20 million people with intellectual disabilities and their families:

‘Half of EU countries don’t allow people with intellectual disabilities to vote. 700,000 people are forced to live in harmful segregated institutional “care”.’ (2023, Inclusion Europe)

EU Parliament calls for harmonisation of rights of autistic people (2023, Euractiv)

Situational Assessment in the Euro-Mediterranean region of the social and economic inclusion of persons with disabilities. (2023, Union for the Mediterranean)

Does the future of Europe include disability? The Conference on the Future of Europe failed to address persons with disabilities. (2022, Social Europe)

Improving Accessibility and Access to Rights – Implementing the Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030. (2022, EU France 22)

President of the European Parliament committed to work on improving the rights of Europeans with disabilities. (2022, EDF)

UN expert hails EU commitment to disability rights The Special Rapporteur's initial findings on his review of disability in Europe, celebrating efforts taken, and raising concern that some funding is still going to institutional arrangements for persons with disabilities. (2022, OHCHR)

Joint Briefing for United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities regarding the review of the implementation of the CRPD by the EU. "The EU has not taken enough measures to address equality and non-discrimination in its legislation and policies, and in particular to address intersectional and multiple forms of discrimination. " (2022, EDF)

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Problems of people with disabilities are repeated year after year

“The increases in disability allowances have been offset by daily price increases for all products and services. In addition, people with disabilities are struggling with the shortage of domestic helpers, carers and skilled workers, he said.” (Jul, N1)

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Ten Paralympic legacies of Paris 2024 Hosting the Paralympic Games has led to the City of Paris investing EUR 125 million into making the historic French capital more accessible (Aug, International Paralympic Committee)

The Council of Europe denounces violation of rights of people with disabilities by the French State:

“The Council of Europe has now declared the lack of support and shortage of support services, socio-economic injustices, difficulty in accessing housing and health care, but also the refusal of schooling. The freedom and dignity of people with disabilities are hindered, their rights are violated by the French state.” (2023, Inclusion Europe)

President Macron announces 1.5 billion euro investment in accessible public spaces, and initiatives to support children, employment, financial support and sports. (In French, 2023, Le Monde) See also on France 24 and the context of upcoming Olympics, and how it's welcomed by the International Paralympic Committee.

The 2021 report of the Defender of Rights shows disability as the most frequent claim of discrimination (in French, 2022, Faire Face)

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The German Disability Council demands reforms for the amendment of the Disability Equality Act. (In German, Jul, Deutscher Behindertenrat)

Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Welcome Germany’s Increase in Social Benefits, Raise Questions on the Guardianship Law and Coercion in Psychiatric Facilities (2023)

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Lack of financial and social support to family of people with disabilities amounted to human rights violation, according to the UN committee on rights of persons with disabilities. (2022, UNRIC)

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Kosovo Country Profile detailed summary of legislation and available data. (2023, World Bank)

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Discussion of quality of life of disabled people with Agenzija Sapport’s CEO Oliver Scicluna, former Commissioner for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. (Feb, Malta Independent)

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Situation Analysis of the rights of persons with disabilities. (2022, UNPRPD)

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Situation Analysis of the rights of persons with disabilities. (2022, UNPRPD)

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Dutch amend constitution to specify gay, disabled protections. "an historic day for the disability movement". (2023, Reuters)

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North Macedonia

Situation Analysis of the rights of persons with disabilities. (2022, UNPRPD)

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Spain amends its constitution to replace term ‘handicapped’ with ‘persons with a disability’. “We are paying off a moral debt that we have had with over 4 million of our fellow citizens.” (Jan, AP News)

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CRPD experts: Commend Sweden on its Commitment to the Committee’s Work, Raise Questions on Gun Shots Fired at Persons with Mental Health Issues and on Institutionalisation (Mar, OHCHR)

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People with visual impairment, blindness still face many barriers. “More adapted jobs and mandatory concepts for professional inclusion of people with visual impairment are needed, says Swiss group”. (2023, Andolu Agency)

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United Kingdom

Persons with Albinism and their right to health, education and employment in the UK. (Link to pdf, May, UN Independent Expert on Albinism)

An “ongoing assault on Disabled people's rights” a letter from disability organisations. (May, Disability Rights UK)

What was it like being at the UN Committee on the Rights of Disabled People? F*cking frustrating. (Apr, Canary)

UN Committee publishes report on follow-up to 2016 Inquiry

“In its report the Committee has expressed concern that ‘there has been no significant progress for disabled people throughout the UK concerning their right to living independently and being included in the community’. It describes some reforms and policies that had been undertaken to provide financial support, accessible housing, and transport, as inadequate considering the cost-of-living crisis.” (Apr, ECNI)

Government’s response to UN committee ‘was insult to disabled people’ (Mar, Disability News Service)

Government's latest disability awareness campaign forgets where negative attitudes came from. (2023, Mirror)

UK Ministry of Justice Treats People with Disabilities as an Afterthought: "Human Rights Act Consultation Exercise Fails Fully to Include People with Disabilities". (2022, Human Rights Watch)

High Court declares National Disability Strategy unlawful due to inadequate consultation (2022, Bindmans)

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Western Balkans

A report on social rights finds that “Integration of People with disabilities is difficult at all Levels” (2022, Sarajevo Times)

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North America

Costa Rica

UN Committee has 70 reasons for concern with Costa Rica and only 10 positive aspects on rights with disabilities. (In Spanish, Mar, CR Hoy)

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El Salvador

Sanctions for not following disability law are further postponed. A sixth postponement for entry into force of penalties in the 2020 law on inclusion of people with disabilities. (In Spanish, Mar, elsalvador.com) See further: “no regulations, budget, or application” on La Prensa Grafica.

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Situation Analysis of the rights of persons with disabilities. (2022, UNPRPD)

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Living with the stigma of facial disfigurement in Mexico. (Link to pdf, Feb, Face Equality International)

A Procedure Centered in the Person: Mexico’s New Law Grants Full Legal Capacity, Ends Guardianship. (2023, Human Rights Watch)

Mexico Bill Would Further Endanger Disability Rights “Right to Make Decisions Should Not Turn on ‘Capacity’” (2022, Human Rights Watch)

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Situation Analysis of the rights of persons with disabilities. (2022, UNPRPD)

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Trinidad and Tobago

Situation Analysis of the rights of persons with disabilities. (2022, UNPRPD)

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United States

Making Disability Rights History: HHS Announces Powerful Anti-Discrimination Protections:

“The direct result of decades of advocacy by people with disabilities, the new 504 rule represents a giant step forward in the disability civil rights movement.” (May, ACL)

The disappearance of a man with Down syndrome could bring vital change “Rashawn Williams was missing for 6 days, and a public alert was never issued. Legislation would create a new Purple Alert in Maryland for vulnerable people.” (Mar, Washington Post)

Disability Reframed - Exploring the state of disability in America. “Through a series of in-depth reports, Judy Woodruff explores the battles to supply and receive disability care, fights for wage equality, and how climate change disproportionately impacts disabled populations.” (Feb, PBS NewsHour)

Office of Public Engagement Disability Community Newsletter (Jan, White House)

Racial and Disability Justice Policy Tracker a list of bills introduced to congress. (Jan, Center for Racial and Disability Justice)

The State of Disability in Texas a special from Texas Standard featuring a range of issues. (2023, Texas Standard)

Disability Progress Is Real, But So Is Intense Ableism

“There has been significant progress on disability rights, opportunity, and respect that have made life markedly better for at least some disabled people. And most disabled people have more recourse and avenues for improvement than existed decades ago. But still for many, being disabled in 2023 is as bad as it was in the 1950s and before.” (2023, Forbes)

33 Years and Still So Much Work Must be Done: A Reflection on the ADA at 33 (2023, Center for Racial and Disability Justice)

What’s Next For Disability Policy? (2022, Forbes)

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Australian Capital Territory Disability Strategy “the government’s commitment to a community that welcomes and values the more than 80,000 people with disability who live in Canberra.” (ACT Government)

Analysing the recommendations of the Royal Commission on a Disability Rights Act (2023, Disability Advocacy Network Australia)

Our vision for an inclusive Australia Royal Commission report, providing “222 recommendations on how to improve laws, policies, structures and practices to ensure a more inclusive and just society that supports the independence of people with disability and their right to live free from violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation.” (2023, Royal Commission) See reaction in the Guardian.

Use of forced restraint and restrictive practices against people with disability violates international human rights. A report highlights concerns about their expanding use in “disability, mental health, education, aged care, justice and other sectors.” (2023, University of Melbourne)

Australia’s disability strategy 2021–2031 outcomes framework: first annual report (2023, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare)

As Australia’s human rights record comes under scrutiny, here is a missing piece in mental health reforms. (2023, Croakey Health Media)

Australia’s disability strategy 2021–2031 (2021, APO)

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Cook Islands

Situation Analysis of the rights of persons with disabilities. (2022, UNPRPD)

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New Zealand

This government won't stop attacking disabled people The community is being relentlessly targeted (Aug, Emily Writes Weekly)

Beyond Whaikaha: Seven ways new government policy could impact us. (Apr, D*List)

Accessibility legislation a tokenistic toothless failure say disabled people, including the Debrief's own Áine Kelly-Costello: “This proposed bill is systemically ableist to its core”. (2023, 1 News)

UN disability rights experts concerned with NZ progress, call for urgent action. (2022, Stuff)

Lack of cross-government ownership a major barrier warns disability rights report, which particularly emphasizes the need for consultation with disabled people. One of the authors says “there is still a quantum leap required to remove disparities for disabled people in New Zealand”. (2022, Ombudsman)

Disability Rights: How is New Zealand doing? Highlights cross-cutting issues of data collection, lack of agency ownership of the Disability Convention, and lack of genuine partnership with disabled people. (2022, Ombudsman) See coverage on Stuff.

Why is a non-disabled person leading the establishment of a disability ministry? (2022, The Spinoff)

Appointment irks disabled community Ministry for Disabled People sees major appointments of people who do not identify as disabled. (2022, Otago Daily Times)

Disability advocates frustrated over feedback process for accessibility legislation (2022, Stuff)

Accessibility Bill lacks teeth by the Debrief's own Áine Kelly-Costello. (2022, Te Awa) See also coverage on Stuff.

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A short video with nice footage introducing the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2022, ILO)

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Pacific Islands

Inequality, discrimination, and exclusion assessing CRPD compliance in Pacific Island legislation (2021, UN ESCAP)

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South America


The Social Construction of Disability in Argentina:

“The Argentinian State has transitioned from a biomedical approach to a rights-based approach to disability. However, structural barriers and non-compliance with regulations have meant that changes that are necessary for the dignified lives of persons with disabilities are not being realised.” (2023, International Journal of Disability and Social Justice)

Situation Analysis of the rights of persons with disabilities. (2022, UNPRPD)

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New Disabilities Plan in Brazil Leaves Many Out ‘the plan, New “Living without Limits”, leaves out the thousands of people with disabilities who are living in institutions.’ (Jan, Human Rights Watch)

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Situation Analysis of the rights of persons with disabilities. (2022, UNPRPD)

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Paraguay strengthens rights of people with disabilities discussion of a new law on accessibility to the physical environment. (In Spanish, Jul, La Nación)

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Experts of the CRPD Commend Peru’s Reform of Disability Legislation, Ask Questions on Discrimination of Migrants, Refugees and Minorities with Disabilities. (2023, OHCHR)

Directive to regulate the management of regional and local governments on disability issues (in Spanish, 2021, El Peruano)

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Half of persons with disabilities live in poverty. An interview with the executive coordinator of the Disability Secretariat of Montevideo. (In Spanish, Apr, PIT-CNT)

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Experts of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Ask about Braille and Sign Language in Education and Public Life and about the Situation of Women with Disabilities (2022, OHCHR)

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