
Fall with me

My childhood, told through its falls
24 Jul 2024
A headshot of Peter, a white man in his late 30s with glasses, a short beard and dark hair.

A new wave of disability media

Navigating tensions between art, activism and access
01 May 2024
Illustration of Celestine, a white woman wind-swept hair, riding her three-wheeled mobility scooter through an ocean wave.

A disabled farewell to 2023

Reflections on my year and how Judy's passing changes our movement
13 Dec 2023
A simple watercolour illustration of Santa on wheels, and carrying a big bag of gifts.

My prayer to failure

Reflections 10 years after the Rana Plaza building collapse
21 Jun 2023
A monochrome grey illustration of Rana Plaza ruins: building rubble against a background of buildings.

Bad people took pity on us

Stories from wartime Ukraine, migration across Mexico, and higher education in Brazil
14 Jun 2023

Do we practice what we preach?

The discrimination we face while advocating on disability
24 May 2023
An illustration of a ramp that becomes a series of steps. Surrounded by pleasant greenery. Signed Tan Kuan Aw 2023.

How do we look after each other?

Rethinking care systems with policy and personal experience
18 Apr 2023

Our movement is in mourning

Remembering Judy Heumann, and how she changed us.
06 Mar 2023
A line drawing portrait of Judy's face in outline. Short, full hair, glasses, dark eyes holding us, and a peaceful smile.

Don't you have mercy on yourself?

How we turn our isolation into connection
07 Feb 2023
Black and white painting of a downcast face, hands on head. Flanked by 2 figures, one an outline, the other sitting, crying.

Fractured, fighting, fixed: adventures in hospital

Why medical systems struggle with inclusion
27 Sep 2022
X-ray image: a ball in the pelvis, a socket around it, a screw pointing upwards, and an extension downwards into the femur.