Disability in Argentina

Curated news and resources on inclusion and rights

Library > Countries > South America > Argentina

This page has curated news from Argentina. There are a total of 16 links.


In Culture, Entertainment and Media:

Four Feet High A charming series from 2020. A portrait of young people figuring out identity issues on a rollercoaster of relationships, identity, inclusion and exclusion. 'Revolutionises the way the body is represented on the screen' (in Spanish, with subtitles in English and other languages, 2021, Arte TV)

In Lived Experience and Opinion:

Julia risso, podcaster and activist: “I hate the word inclusion. I don't want to be included anywhere, I'm already here.” (In Spanish, 2023, BBC News)


Civil Society and Community

The demands behind the march of people with disabilities protesting deregulation that would make health benefits precarious or unaffordable. (In Spanish, May, Clarín)

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Culture, Entertainment and Media


The Drummer Who Reminds People That ‘You Can Play Music as You Like’ “Miguel Tomasín, one of the few professional musicians with Down syndrome, has brought attention to the artistic visions of people with developmental disabilities, with his band releasing over 100 albums.” (2022, New York Times)

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TV and Film

Four Feet High A charming series from 2020. A portrait of young people figuring out identity issues on a rollercoaster of relationships, identity, inclusion and exclusion. 'Revolutionises the way the body is represented on the screen' (in Spanish, with subtitles in English and other languages, 2021, Arte TV)

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Economics and Social Protection


Assistance to people with disabilities in danger due to the economic crisis. Including the stopping of transportation services. (In Spanish, Jan, Elmundo.cr)

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Social Protection

Argentina will issue disability certificates that don't expire an interview with Luis Juez: “bureaucracy hurts”. (In Spanish, 2023, Yo También)

Good news on disability: non-contributory pension scheme for persons with disabilities. (In Spanish, 2023, CTA)

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Education and Childhood

Mental health as an educational outcome: Lessons for inclusive education from the Austral in Neuquén (2023, Disability and the Global South)

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Provision of rehabilitation for congenital conditions “We argue that the global health community must act to ensure that rehabilitation services to support functioning from birth are well established, accepted and integrated within health systems, and that disability is prioritized within child health.” (2022, Bulletin World Health Organization)

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Humanitarian, Migrants and Refugees


A study shows violence faced by women migrants with disabilities: eight out of ten report facing violence or harassment. (In Spanish, 2023, CTA)

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Lived Experience and Opinion

Letter to those with me on the other side of the operating room extracts from a book exploring an orthopaedic surgery. (In Spanish, May, Women Enabled International)

Get to know Sol Camila Lugo artist and autistic person, talking about her own life and the importance of getting a certification of disability. (Short video, in Spanish, 2023, Agencia Nacional de Discapacidad)

Borges Dealt With His Anxiety About Going Blind by Learning a New Language. Andrew Leland on His Own Weakening Vision, Braille, and Making a Commitment to Read with Visual Aids. (2023, Lithub)

Julia risso, podcaster and activist: “I hate the word inclusion. I don't want to be included anywhere, I'm already here.” (In Spanish, 2023, BBC News)

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Policy and Rights

The Social Construction of Disability in Argentina:

“The Argentinian State has transitioned from a biomedical approach to a rights-based approach to disability. However, structural barriers and non-compliance with regulations have meant that changes that are necessary for the dignified lives of persons with disabilities are not being realised.” (2023, International Journal of Disability and Social Justice)

Situation Analysis of the rights of persons with disabilities. (2022, UNPRPD)

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Sport and Paralympics

Children’s book series aims to write new chapter for Para sports. (2023, International Paralympic Committee)

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