Disability in Armenia

Curated news and resources on inclusion and rights

Library > Countries > Asia > Armenia

This page has curated news from Armenia. There are a total of 5 links.


In Economics and Social Protection:

Corruption and disrespect in the process of disability assessment “The disability assessment process has been considered the most corrupt for many years. There were many stories in the media about this and criminal cases have been initiated.” (2023, Jam News)


Economics and Social Protection

Social Protection

Corruption and disrespect in the process of disability assessment “The disability assessment process has been considered the most corrupt for many years. There were many stories in the media about this and criminal cases have been initiated.” (2023, Jam News)

Education and Childhood

Transforming lives of children with special needs in Armenia

“As of recent reports, approximately 4,000 children with disabilities are enrolled in special education institutions, while around 2,000 are integrated into mainstream schools with varying levels of support.” (May, Civilnet)

Employment, Business and Work

Work gives me my independence Rafael Martirosyan does charity work and is a senior packer at his family’s bakery business in Armenia. He has Down syndrome:

“Work makes me a better person. As my co-workers will tell you, I am responsible and work hard. The fact that I am working makes me more independent.” (2023, ILO)

Policy and Rights

Situation Analysis of the rights of persons with disabilities. (2022, UNPRPD)