Disability in Cambodia
Library > Countries > Asia > Cambodia
This page has curated news from Cambodia. There are a total of 12 links.
- Communication and Language
- Data and Research
- Employment, Business and Work
- Gender Equality and Women with Disabilities
- International Cooperation
- Lived Experience and Opinion
- Policy and Rights
- Politics and Elections
- Water and Sanitation (WASH)
Communication and Language
Cambodia’s first information needs assessment for persons with disabilities
“Economic information was found to be of highest demand. Particularly, information related to jobs or income opportunities would be more desired.” (2024, UNESCO)
Data and Research
Exploring demographic and health survey data (2023, Disability Data Initiative)
Employment, Business and Work
The Government sets quota of 2% for the recruitment of persons with disabilities. (2023, Khmer Times)
Gender Equality and Women with Disabilities
Creating a safe space for women with disabilities in Cambodia. “Vannet leads a women with disabilities group in Kampong Cham, Cambodia.” (2024, ADD)
International Cooperation
Disability Inclusion Trainer’s Manual. (2024, UNDP)
Something is better than nothing “The first thing I noticed about these wheelchairs was that they were adult sized. But, in communication with the founder, she was insistent that the recipients of these wheelchairs had to be children, since the volunteers found working with children more gratifying.” (2023, Redundant Charities)
New horizons for Light for the World Cambodia. “Our Light for the World Cambodia office has taken the exciting step of becoming a Cambodian non-profit.” (2022, LFTW)
Lived Experience and Opinion
Sameoun's Story short video feature on how income generation and a self-help group changed her life. (2024, ADD International)
Sokhak's story “Sokhak, 31, is a young leader working with ADD International, Cambodia. She comes from Kampot province, and has a degree in accountancy. She has worked in the disability rights sector for several years.” (2023, ADD)
Policy and Rights
Situation Analysis of the rights of persons with disabilities. (2022, UNPRPD)
Politics and Elections
High-ranking ministerial post for disabled man Cambodia has appointed a visually impaired man as an undersecretary of state of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation. (2023, Khmer Times)
Water and Sanitation (WASH)
A qualitative cross-sectional study exploring the implementation of disability-inclusive WASH policy commitments in Svay Reing and Kampong Chhnang Provinces. (2022, Frontiers)