Disability in Guatemala

Curated news and resources on inclusion and rights

Library > Countries > North America > Guatemala

This page has curated news from Guatemala. There are a total of 4 links.


In Health:

How do people with disabilities make healthcare decisions? A qualitative study focusing on use of primary healthcare services in three regions. (2023)


Data and Research

Exploring census data. (2023, Disability Data Initiative)


Healthcare Stakeholders’ Perspectives on Challenges in the Provision of Quality Primary Healthcare for People with Disabilities in Three Regions of Guatemala: A Qualitative Study:

‘What stood out in this study, however, were two sentiments expressed by healthcare providers: one, the practitioners appeared to feel the necessity for separate spaces and specially trained staff, with a particular focus on how to interact with people with disabilities; and two, the need for “empathy” in order to provide quality primary care services to people with disabilities.’ (2023, IJERPH)

How do people with disabilities make healthcare decisions? A qualitative study focusing on use of primary healthcare services in three regions. (2023)

Policy and Rights

Situation Analysis of the rights of persons with disabilities. (2022, UNPRPD)