Disability in Hungary

Curated news and resources on inclusion and rights

Library > Countries > Europe > Hungary

This page has curated news from Hungary. There are a total of 12 links.


In Independent Living and Deinstitutionalization:

I am the director of my own 'institution': the seasonal appeal by Validity shows their own work and “depicts István’s transition to living independently with the support of people he trusts” (2022, Validity)

In Policy and Rights:

Can Disability Rights Flourish in Backsliding Democracies? The Case of Hungary:

“Results show that the space for disability rights advocacy has been shrinking for the Hungarian disability movement. Opportunities to influence and monitor public policy-making have been diminishing. Disability advocacy organisations have been less included in consultations and decisions about policies affecting disabled people. Due to fear of repercussions, disability movement actors often employ self-censorship when talking publicly. The meaning of human rights and civil society have changed in the public discourse. Legal obligations to consult with the disability movement, existing human rights laws, and statutory human rights bodies seem less and less effective amid eroding democratic structures. The disability movement has become fractured.” (2024, Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research)


History and Memorial

Six-Fingered Queen Elizabeth of Poland, Queen of Hungary, Through the Lens of Disability:

“Ultimately, sculpture depicting the [fourteenth century] Queen shows that rather than emphasizing her wounded right hand, her advanced age seems to be more of a defining and unique feature.” (2024, Including Disability)

Marking the legacy of Gábor Gombos “To mark the second anniversary of Gábor’s passing, we are pleased to present a previously unseen interview with him about the right to legal capacity.” (2024, Validity)

Independent Living and Deinstitutionalization


We need good support to live independently - Report about a self-advocacy conference in Hungary. (2023, Inclusion Europe)

I am the director of my own 'institution': the seasonal appeal by Validity shows their own work and “depicts István’s transition to living independently with the support of people he trusts” (2022, Validity)

Conditions in Institutions

Judgement from the European Court of Human Rights:

“In a ground-breaking judgment today, the European Court of Human Rights (“the Court”) condemned Hungary for failing to protect the lives of institutionalised persons with disabilities. States must effectively investigate the context and conditions in which people in institutions die, the Court also said. The judgment sends a strong message against institutionalisation and guardianship regimes that continue to affect tens of thousands of people with disabilities in Hungary and beyond.” (2024, Validity)

Court rules Hungarian state authorities responsible “for multiple, grave violations of the rights of 220 adults and children with disabilities detained in the notorious Topház Social Care Home.” (2024, Validity Foundation)

Policy and Rights

Can Disability Rights Flourish in Backsliding Democracies? The Case of Hungary:

“Results show that the space for disability rights advocacy has been shrinking for the Hungarian disability movement. Opportunities to influence and monitor public policy-making have been diminishing. Disability advocacy organisations have been less included in consultations and decisions about policies affecting disabled people. Due to fear of repercussions, disability movement actors often employ self-censorship when talking publicly. The meaning of human rights and civil society have changed in the public discourse. Legal obligations to consult with the disability movement, existing human rights laws, and statutory human rights bodies seem less and less effective amid eroding democratic structures. The disability movement has become fractured.” (2024, Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research)

Relationships, Sex and Reproductive Rights

'Forced contraception is the rule': Hungary fails to end abuses against women with disabilities. (2023, Euronews)

Sport and Paralympics

Meet Hungary's Paralympic champion Ekler, the university teacher boosting Para sports (2023, International Paralympic Committee)

Violence and Harassment

Dis-connected: reported on disability-based connected facilities and programmes for prevention of violence against women and children in Hungary. (2024, Validity)

War in Ukraine

Evacuating or Leaving Ukraine

Regional social protection overview For Ukrainian refugees who have temporary protection in six host countries: Czechia, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia. (2023, Acaps)

Ukraine children with disabilities struggle for therapy abroad “More than a year after fleeing from Ukraine to Hungary with her autistic son Roman, Iryna Bryk has still not found suitable therapy for her nine-year-old.” (2023, France 24)