Disability in Mozambique

Curated news and resources on inclusion and rights

Library > Countries > Africa > Mozambique

This page has curated news from Mozambique. There are a total of 7 links.


Humanitarian, Migrants and Refugees

Addressing the needs of children with disabilities affected by emergencies. (2023, UNICEF)

IOM Disability and Inclusion Survey (2023, IOM)

Cyclone recovery brings civil society and local government together to build inclusive society. (2022, UNICEF)

Politics and Elections

People with disabilities report exclusion from electoral compaigns. “Why don't they come by our houses? Is it because they know there's a person with disability there?” (In Portuguese, 2024, África & Diáspora)

Sport and Paralympics

Coach Muianga on mission to add Para powerlifting to Mozambique's sports agenda (2023, International Paralympic Committee)