Disability in Peru

Curated news and resources on inclusion and rights

Library > Countries > South America > Peru

This page has curated news from Peru. There are a total of 7 links.


In Lived Experience and Opinion:

Why aren't there inclusive cities and societies? A video profile of Andrea Burga. (In Spanish, 2024, DW)

In Politics and Elections:

Disabled People in Peru's Political Protests. Debrief feature exploring disability in political protests and showing how disabled people are playing an active role in the political crisis. (2023, Disability Debrief)


Lived Experience and Opinion

Why aren't there inclusive cities and societies? A video profile of Andrea Burga. (In Spanish, 2024, DW)

Mobility, Travel, Transport and Tourism

Enhanced Accessibility at Machu Picchu: New Section Opens for People with Disabilities. (2023, Market Research Telecast)

Policy and Rights


Experts of the CRPD Commend Peru’s Reform of Disability Legislation, Ask Questions on Discrimination of Migrants, Refugees and Minorities with Disabilities. (2023, OHCHR)

Directive to regulate the management of regional and local governments on disability issues (in Spanish, 2021, El Peruano)

Assisted Dying and Euthanasia

Ana Estrada died the first woman to get euthanasia in Peru, after a years-long campaign. (In Spanish, 2024, Yo También)

Politics and Elections

Disabled People in Peru's Political Protests. Debrief feature exploring disability in political protests and showing how disabled people are playing an active role in the political crisis. (2023, Disability Debrief)