Disability in South Sudan
Library > Countries > Africa > South Sudan
This page has curated news from South Sudan. There are a total of 14 links.
In Humanitarian, Migrants and Refugees:
Towards a Disability-Inclusive Humanitarian Response in South Sudan? See also the full version. While “tangible progress is being made”, “serious gaps and challenges to disability inclusion remain”:
“Humanitarian organizations still do not recognize the diversity of disability and lack strategies to include persons with intellectual and psychosocial impairments. Moreover, persons with disabilities rarely participate in the project design phase and seldom contribute to programme development due to persisting attitudinal, environmental and institutional barriers.” (links to pdfs, 2022, IFHV)
South Sudan signed the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. (2023, LFTW)
- Communication and Language
- Disaster Risk Reduction and Crisis Response
- Education and Childhood
- Employment, Business and Work
- Health
- Humanitarian, Migrants and Refugees
- Policy and Rights
- Relationships, Sex and Reproductive Rights
- Sport and Paralympics
Communication and Language
Sign Languages
CEPO to inaugurate first sign language learning center in Juba (2024, Sudans Post)
Disaster Risk Reduction and Crisis Response
Floods are battering South Sudan. This aid worker helps villagers plan for the worst. (2024, Christian Science Monitor)
Call to protect people with disabilities in ‘unprecedented’ floods.
“People with disabilities in South Sudan are among the hardest hit as the country faces flooding on a scale “unprecedented in the last century”.” (2024, Light for the World)
South Sudanese living with disability bear the brunt of floods. (Short video feature, 2024, Africanews)
Education and Childhood
Feature on supporting access to education for children with disabilities: My Wheelchair, My Journey. (2022, Education Cannot Wait)
Employment, Business and Work
'I want to be self-reliant' — encouraging enterprise for Internally Displaced People. (2023, Light for the World International)
Humanitarian, Migrants and Refugees
‘Difficult choices’: The particular vulnerability of children with disabilities and others who have fled from Sudan. (2024, The Irish Times)
Gap Analysis on Disability Inclusive Humanitarian Action in Eastern Africa “While some organisations are making efforts to include the inclusion of persons with disabilities in their programming, challenges remain, such as a lack of inclusion of the insights of persons with disabilities, insufficient disaggregation of data and inadequate budget allocation.” (2023, CBM UK)
Towards a Disability-Inclusive Humanitarian Response in South Sudan? See also the full version. While “tangible progress is being made”, “serious gaps and challenges to disability inclusion remain”:
“Humanitarian organizations still do not recognize the diversity of disability and lack strategies to include persons with intellectual and psychosocial impairments. Moreover, persons with disabilities rarely participate in the project design phase and seldom contribute to programme development due to persisting attitudinal, environmental and institutional barriers.” (links to pdfs, 2022, IFHV)
Relationships, Sex and Reproductive Rights
Why are persons with disabilities at great risk of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Sexual Harassment? An infographic. (2022, RSH)
Sport and Paralympics
Football Dreams & The Dinka Boys
“Through blind football, the parents who lost hope in their children have regained hope and are now once again supporting them. Through blind football, the feeling of loneliness the players used to have is taken away. Through blind football, players are able to visit new places and make new friends.” (2024, Goal Click.)
Why South Sudan Has Become A Focal Point For Blind Soccer Players. South Sudan has been running its first Blind Premier League competition for just over a month. (2023, Forbes)