Disability in Tanzania

Curated news and resources on inclusion and rights

Library > Countries > Africa > Tanzania

This page has curated news from Tanzania. There are a total of 7 links.


Education and Childhood

Leaving no one behind an article exploring inclusive education. (2022, The Citizen)

Mobility, Travel, Transport and Tourism

Long-Distance Coaches, Trains and City Buses Ignore Persons with Disabilities (2022, Tanzania Times)

Policy and Rights

Situation Analysis of the rights of persons with disabilities. (2022, UNPRPD)

Relationships, Sex and Reproductive Rights

Relational, Ableist and Gendered Sites of Violence: Perspectives of Tanzanian Girls With Disabilities on Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health Services (2023, Forum for Development Studies)

Sexual and reproductive health and rights through the lens of belonging: Intersectional perspectives on disability, gender, and adolescence in Tanzania. (2023, JYX Digital Repository)

Violence and Harassment

Disability and intimate partner violence: A cross-sectional study from Mwanza, Tanzania. (2022, Disability and Health Journal)