Disability in Uruguay
Library > Countries > South America > Uruguay
This page has curated news from Uruguay. There are a total of 5 links.
- Employment, Business and Work
- International Cooperation
- Mobility, Travel, Transport and Tourism
- Policy and Rights
- Sport and Paralympics
Employment, Business and Work
People with disabilities working for the government a minimum 4% reservation of positions for people with disabilities led to the admission of 121 people, 3.5 times the year before. (In Spanish, Jul, Oficina Nacional del Servicio Civil)
International Cooperation
Interview with Natalia Guala Beathyate director of ONCE Social Group and expert on the Committee of Rights of Persons with Disabilities. (In Spanish, Jul, Cermi)
Mobility, Travel, Transport and Tourism
Maldonado Municipality will pay up to $300,000 to public transport companies for tickets for people with disabilities. (In Spanish, Mar, La Diaria Maldonado)
Policy and Rights
Half of persons with disabilities live in poverty. An interview with the executive coordinator of the Disability Secretariat of Montevideo. (In Spanish, Apr, PIT-CNT)
Sport and Paralympics
Hiking for everyone bringing people with disabilities closer to nature through a special wheelchair adapted for mountains. (In Spanish, Apr, El Pais)