Disability in Germany

Curated news and resources on inclusion and rights

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This page has curated news from Germany. There are a total of 23 links.




German Court Orders Protection of People with Disabilities in Triage Decisions

'The court found the legislature had failed “to take measures to ensure that no one is at risk of being disadvantaged on the basis of disability in the allocation of life-sustaining treatment if shortages in intensive care resources arise.” The court ordered lawmakers to introduce stronger measures based on the constitutional right to nondiscrimination. They should consider disability rights training for medical staff and the creation of stronger procedures to identify disabilities.'

See also the statement from the court or coverage on the guardian (2022, Human Rights Watch)

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Civil Society and Community

Let's let the lifts glow: disabled people call to test accessibility of stations. (In German, 2023, Kobinet Nachrichten)

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Culture, Entertainment and Media

TV and Film

Meet Elin, The German Sesame Street's First Muppet with a Disability. (2023, ABILITY Magazine)

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Education and Childhood

German far right’s Höcke wants to kick disabled kids out of regular schools (2023, Politico)

Translating Human Rights in Education: The Influence of Article 24 UN CRPD Comparing the meanings of inclusive education in Nigeria and Germany, and how the development of inclusive education has depended on “institutionalized special education” rather than a rights-based approach. (2022, University of Michigan Press)

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Employment, Business and Work

A higher fee for larger employers who do not fulfil obligations to employ people with severe disabilities. (2023, Deutschlandfunk)

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Demands for more inclusion in the health and care system (In German, 2023, EU-Schwerbehinderung)

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History and Memorial

Adolf Ratzka: A Pioneer of Independent Living “His vision and dedication have left an indelible mark on the movement and people across Europe and beyond.” See also a tribute from Bente Skansgård. (Jul, ENIL)

Disabled People under fascist rule What do we know about disability policies in Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy? (Jul, ENIL)

'The Malleable Body: Surgeons, Artisans, and Amputees in Early Modern Germany' A book review. (Apr, H-Disability)

Book review of 'What Kind of Island in What Kind of Sea' a collection of photographs of people with cognitive disabilities starting in 1980. (2023, H-Disability)

Uncovering a life deemed “unworthy of life”. “Why the Story of Hans Heinrich Festersen—Gay, Disabled, and Murdered by the Nazis—Matters” (2022, Zocalo Public Square)

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Humanitarian, Migrants and Refugees


Blind Syrian granted asylum, is allowed to stay in Germany (2022, InfoMigrants)

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Concern over rights to naturalization for migrants with disabilities “The amount of money one needs to have in their bank account to prove self-sufficiency will be raised, which could serve as a barrier to people with disabilities who receive social benefits.” (2023, Infomigrants)

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Independent Living and Deinstitutionalization


Bye Bye Disabled Home: This Bremen couple wants to live independently. (In German, May, Buten un binnen)

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Conditions in Institutions

Attack on Lebenshilfe residential home in Mönchengladbach a right-wing extremist attack on a residential home for people with disabilities. (In German, May, WDR)

The role of state aid in the maintenance of institutions for disabled people A case study on Germany and Portugal (Link to pdf, 2023, ENIL)

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Mobility, Travel, Transport and Tourism

Is Germany accessible for travelers with disabilities? – DW – 11/06/2023 “It's not easy for vacationers with disabilities to travel around Germany. Can the required infrastructure be improved?” (2023, DW)

A lawyer sues the Ministry of Transport to ensure access to trains. (in German, 2022, Rollstuhl Kurier)

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Policy and Rights

The German Disability Council demands reforms for the amendment of the Disability Equality Act. (In German, Jul, Deutscher Behindertenrat)

Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Welcome Germany’s Increase in Social Benefits, Raise Questions on the Guardianship Law and Coercion in Psychiatric Facilities (2023)

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Politics and Elections

Everyday violence “The anti-disabled attacks in Mönchengladbach are reminiscent of very dark times.” (In German, Jun, Taz)

German parliament welcomes its first deaf lawmaker:

“Heubach will have a fixed place in the plenary hall, unlike most other lawmakers, according to the Bundestag's administration, with interpreters located near her to interpret speeches and her questions. When she makes speeches herself, an interpreter with a microphone will have a place next to the Bundestag's stenographers to interpret for other lawmakers.” (Mar, The Independent)

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