Global Disability Summit

Disability inclusion resources from around the world

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This page has curated news on Global Disability Summit. There are resources from 3 countries and regions, with a total of 35 links.


From International News:

Global Disability Summit 2022 Report (2022, IDA)

Another talkshop? Raises concerns, referring to concrete examples, about initiatives for disability inclusion "without the direct involvement of disabled people". Organizations working on disability rights "are yet to recognize the power of lived-experience and professional representation within their leadership ranks and thus continue making decisions around disability rights issues without the participation of disabled people". (2022, Fred Ouko)

An Accessible Future for Persons with Disabilities a beautiful multimedia feature on the World Bank's work on disability around the world, and their commitments for the summit. (2022, World Bank)

Road to Inclusion a podcast covering many themes relating to the Global Disability Summit. (link to youtube, also available on Spotify and other platforms, 2022, Atlas Alliance)

Resources by country:


International News

Progress on Implementation of Commitments since the Global Disability Summit 2022:

“Self-reported data indicates that one-tenth of the 1,412 GDS2022 commitments have been delivered. Delivery of the remaining GDS2022 commitments is also far advanced, with one third of the commitments reported to be at least half complete.” (Jan, Global Disability Summit)

Words are not enough “One year on from the Global Disability Summit 2022, we urgently call on global governments to uphold disability rights and make their summit commitments a reality” (2023, Sightsavers)

Global Disability Summit 2022 Report (2022, IDA)

Will the 2022 Global Disability Summit result in a more equal world? As well highlighting the achievements of the summit, a concern raised that "overall, there aren’t enough commitments with concrete financing attached. " (2022, Sightsavers)

Series of videos featuring youth with disabilities. (2022, IDA)

CBM Global's Disability Summit Commitments See also their expectations and commitments. (2022)

3 things to expect from the Global Disability Summit "The answers are there already – use them!" - agree with the sentiment that we have under-used solutions, but disagree we know "what it takes to implement the CRPD". (2022, LFTW)

Humanity and Inclusion (HI) commitments And call to action. (2022, Humanity and Inclusion)

Save the Children commits to ensure children with disabilities get fairer treatment. See also discussion of meaningful engagement. (2022)

Sightsavers’ campaign petition for the Global Disability Summit hits 30,000 signatures from 111 countries. (2022, Sightsavers)

Another talkshop? Raises concerns, referring to concrete examples, about initiatives for disability inclusion "without the direct involvement of disabled people". Organizations working on disability rights "are yet to recognize the power of lived-experience and professional representation within their leadership ranks and thus continue making decisions around disability rights issues without the participation of disabled people". (2022, Fred Ouko)

Data and the Global Disability Summit: how to make sure commitments lead to change (2022, Sightsavers)

Girl's Education Challenge Leave No Girl Behind Updating our commitments to the most marginalized girls. (link to pdf, 2022)

Guterres opens Global Disability Summit with inclusivity call. Strange to see 'handicap' used in this article. (2022, UN)

We must commit to inclusive education for people with disabilities (2022, World Education Blog)

USAID commits to a Disability-Inclusive Future (2022, short youtube, EducationLinks)

Light for the World committing to change. (2022)

Dutch Coalition on Disability and Development Commitments (2022)

First day of Global Disability Summit results in ground-breaking commitments to disability rights from global leaders. (2022, IDA)

An Accessible Future for Persons with Disabilities a beautiful multimedia feature on the World Bank's work on disability around the world, and their commitments for the summit. (2022, World Bank)

Upcoming disability summit must be a turning point, position from President of Ghana, PM of Norway, chief of WHO, and president of the International Disability Alliance. (2022, BMJ)

On Humanitarian response, a call for commitments to disability inclusion (2022, Global Disability Summit)

Road to Inclusion a podcast covering many themes relating to the Global Disability Summit. (link to youtube, also available on Spotify and other platforms, 2022, Atlas Alliance)

Get ready for the Global Disability Summit The main events are 14-17th Feb, with the youth summit followed by the civil society forum and then the summit itself.

Plenty of events on the way into this as well: see the event guide. covering the thematic, regional and side events.

See also the master guide (2022, Global Disability Summit)

You can follow the GDS on social media and with its social media toolkit. Hashtags will be #CommitToChange and #GDS2022. Suggested prompt is “I believe in a disability-inclusive future because…” (2022, Global Disability Summit)

International Summit On Disability And Health Aims To Achieve #HealthForAll (2022, Health Policy Watch)

Ensure disability inclusion is not just a tick mark (2022, Humanity and Inclusion)

Recommendations from the Thematic Workshop on Inclusive Education (2022, Global Disability Summit)

Four priorities in inclusive education for the Global Disability Summit 2022 Collection of evidence in each priority. (2022, Cambridge)

The next summit will be hosted by Jordan and Germany scheduled for Berlin, 2025. (2022)

The Global Disability Summit closed. See the co-chair summary. Watch recordings from both days or browse the portal of commitments made. The Summit reiterated the 2018 charter for change. (2022)

Preceding the Summit was the GDS Youth Summit 2022 which launched a call for action for organizations and youth with disabilities to commit to. (2022)

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Global Disability Summit Toolkit to provide Organisations of Persons with Disabilities with tools to advocate in the Global Disability Summit. (Apr, EDF)

On the European Regional Disability Summit and positive participation of European leaders. (2022, EDF)

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