Politics and Elections

Disability inclusion resources from around the world

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This page has curated news on Politics and Elections. There are resources from 41 countries and regions, with a total of 150 links.


From Burkina Faso:

Guide to disability inclusive elections. (2022, LFTW)

From Europe:

Political participation of persons with disabilities. Exploring the right to vote and the right to be a candidate in elections, the report finds some emerging good practices against a concerning backdrop:

“In the 2019 European Parliament elections, approximately 400,000 persons with disabilities in 14 countries were deprived from their right to vote on the basis of their disability.” (2022, EDF)

From France:

For the elections, a campaign 23 Million Voices of persons with disabilities and caregivers in France to remind politicians of the essential measures to integrate into their campaign program. (2022, APF France Handicap)

From Japan:

Interview with Eiko Kimura, member of the Japanese Congress. (2021, Disability Visibility Project)

From Malaysia:

Opinions of the disability community a survey of 700 disabled people regarding factors that influence their voting behaviour and disability issues that are important to them. Key priorities identified were employment, education, and enforcing rights. (2022, Make the Right Real) See coverage on Free Malaysia Today.

From Nigeria:

I Voted: Benedicta Oyèdayọ̀ Oyèwọlé Documents the Challenges Nigerians with Disabilities Faced Voting in February’s Elections. (2023, Disability Justice Project)

From Peru:

Disabled People in Peru's Political Protests. Debrief feature exploring disability in political protests and showing how disabled people are playing an active role in the political crisis. (2023, Disability Debrief)

Resources by country:


International News

Disability Rights Cohort Sample Commitments commitments states can make to help promote disability inclusion. (Jan, IFES)

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We did not observe any obstacles to stop disabled people voting. According to the National Council for Persons with Disabilities. (In Arabic, 2023, Youm 7)

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What Protesters of Finance Bill did in Parliament narrated by Visually Impaired Senator Crystal Asige. (Jun, Kenya News Channel)

Kenya Disability Parliamentary Association Meets Speaker “Hon. Wanyonyi reiterated his unwavering commitment to ensuring that PLWDs have a voice in the Kenyan Parliament. This will not only grant them a seat at the decision making table but also enable them to actively participate in Parliamentary debates and proceedings.” (2023, Parliament of Kenya)

How Visually Impaired Kenyans Will Cast Their Votes (2022, Kenyans.co.ke)

Blind Kenyan singer goes to court over rejected presidential candidacy. “A gospel singer who wants to be Kenya’s first disabled presidential candidate has brought a case in the country’s courts after being barred from the electoral race.” (2022, the Guardian)

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Federal Government to establish disability desks across Ministries, Departments and Agencies. (2023, The Guardian)

CEAMI Initiative Launches GoVote Campaign For People With Disabilities In Nigeria’s Elections (2023, Inclusive News Network)

I Voted: Benedicta Oyèdayọ̀ Oyèwọlé Documents the Challenges Nigerians with Disabilities Faced Voting in February’s Elections. (2023, Disability Justice Project)

Physically-challenged persons lament hostile environment, discrimination against political dreams. (2023, Punch)

INEC and the Police assure people living with disability of safety. “In the unfortunate incidence or occurrence of electoral violence, threat or intimidation, the PWDs are unfortunately the most vulnerable groups that may be most adversely affected. Hence, most of them shy away from the polls to safeguard themselves,” (2023, Punch)

A young person with disabilitiy and first time voter documents their experience on polling day with text and photos. (2023, Oyedayo, Twitter)

How blind people are frustrated by INEC’s failure to provide Braille ballot. “For over 10 years, I have been voting. My son does help me. But you know I can’t trust him because he may have a different choice from what I asked him to do for me.” (2023, Informant 24/7)

Nigerians with disabilities seek inclusion in electoral process. (2022, Aljazeera)

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Advancing Democracy Historic Voting Accessibility for Rwandans with Disabilities (Jul, Disability Justice Project)

‘Our Vote Matters’ Rwanda’s Journey Toward Accessible Voting. (2023)

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Short video on Deputy Mayor Kauma “Fazira Kauma Toppled Political Barriers in Uganda When She Became the First Woman and the First Blind Citizen To Be Appointed Deputy Mayor in Jinja” (2023, Disability Justice Project)

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Concern over ability of the disabled to vote in Zimbabwe (2023, Caj News)

Voting With Dignity - the Plight of Persons With Disabilities in Zim's Elections. (2023, All Africa)

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Adviser from persons with disability demanded “The Bangladesh Pratibandhi Kalyan Samity and the National Alliance of Disabled Peoples’ Organisations on Monday demanded the inclusion of an adviser representing the persons with disabilities in the interim government.” (Aug, New Age)

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High-ranking ministerial post for disabled man Cambodia has appointed a visually impaired man as an undersecretary of state of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation. (2023, Khmer Times)

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All eyes on me – being a woman with a disability in politics in Cameroon.

“Today, throughout the country, 204 people with disabilities are either elected local councillors, parliamentarians, senators or official representatives in local working groups, including myself. The number of people with disabilities registered to vote has also risen from 8,000 in 2011 to 40,000 in 2022.” (2023, Missing Perspectives)

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Democracy Denied Disabled Voters Face Barriers in India’s Polling Process (May, Disability Justice Project)

Tamil Nadu’s disabled community fights to enter electoral politics “Legislative action and grassroots activism are challenging deep-rooted social norms and pushing for the political inclusion of disabled people.” (Apr, The Hindu)

Jharkhand introduces home voting, wheelchair services “Jharkhand's Chief Electoral Officer K Ravi Kumar announced measures such as voting from home, free transportation, ramp installations, wheelchair provisions, and Braille-enabled electronic voting machines.” (Apr, India TV)

4,995 Disabled Voters Opted For Vote-from-home Facility in Bengal. (Apr, Times of India)

Key disability issues to report on during the Indian elections (Mar, Reframing Disability)

Disabled People matter! Disability groups launch a first-of-its kind
Manifesto asking for a seat on the policy table. (Link to pdf, Feb, NCPEDP)

Do not use derogatory words for persons with disability: ‘The Election Commission of India (ECI) has asked political parties and its leaders to not use “derogatory words” for persons with disability in public speeches. [...] The ECI also released a set of guidelines for political parties to “promote inclusivity and respect” towards persons with disabilities.’ (2023, Hindustan Times)

25,980 elderly, disabled exercise Home Voting facility “In Rajasthan Assembly Election-2023, senior voters (80+ years) and voters with more than 40% disability will be seen voting from their homes for the first time on initiative of the Election Commission.” (2023, First India)

Hyderabad Prioritizes Accessibility For Disabled Voters:

“essential infrastructure is being installed across 4,119 polling centers in the Hyderabad district to accommodate voters with disabilities. Dedicated thematic polling stations designed for the disabled are being established in 15 constituencies. Ramps and wheelchairs will be readily available at all polling centers to ensure easy access.” (2023, IND Today)

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The accessibility advocator fighting for an equal Jerusalem interview with Laura Wharton ahead of the municipal elections. (Feb, Jerusalem Post)

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Candidate with severe disability wins seat in Japan's upper house (2022, Disability Insider)

Interview with Eiko Kimura "the first person with a severe disability who is a member of the House of Councillors in Japan" (2022, Equal Entry)

Interview with Eiko Kimura, member of the Japanese Congress. (2021, Disability Visibility Project)

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Opinions of the disability community a survey of 700 disabled people regarding factors that influence their voting behaviour and disability issues that are important to them. Key priorities identified were employment, education, and enforcing rights. (2022, Make the Right Real) See coverage on Free Malaysia Today.

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Sindh's 'Voters With Disabilities' Hope For Better Facilities During February 8 Elections (Feb, Friday Times)

Parliament House fully has been made disability friendly (2021, Pak NGOs)

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Lack of accessibility in Barangay elections in Cebu “While no major hitches occurred during election day on Monday, senior citizens and persons with disabilities decried the lack of accessibility support in voting centers.” (2023, CDN)

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South Korea

Representative Kim Ye-Ji Interview. Disability is my political identity. (In Korean, 2023, The Indigo)

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Election commission provides Braille campaign guide for visually impaired voters (2023, Thaiger)

Thai royalists “outraged” over Lazada campaign “mocking disabled people” (2022, Thaiger)

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Timor Leste

New party offers chance for disability inclusion. “Partido Verdes de Timor-Leste – a new political party contesting in Timor-Leste’s upcoming 21 May election – has committed to send a person with disability to parliament if elected.” (2023, The Interpreter)

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10 reasons for persons with disabilities to vote in these European elections. (May, EDF)

European elections: a call for accessibility More is needed for visually impaired voters—and candidates—to exercise their political rights. (Apr, Social Europe)

Access Denied: The (in)accessibility of European Political Party websites (Apr, EDF)

People with intellectual disabilities denied voting rights in seven EU countries (Jan, Euractiv)

Use your vote (If you have one) Right to vote of people with intellectual disabilities and European elections 2024 (Inclusion Europe)

Is your election campaign accessible? Assess with our checklists. (2023, EDF)

Guide of good electoral practices in Member States addressing the participation of citizens with disabilities in the electoral process. (2023, European Commission)

Expanding Voting Rights of Persons with Disabilities declaration led by the Spanish Presidency of the Council. (2023, EDF)

700 disability advocates meet in the European Parliament to ask for an “inclusive future in the EU”. (2023, EDF)

EDF Manifesto on the European Elections 2024 (2023, EDF)

Millions of voters with disabilities in the European Union may not be able to participate in EP elections in 2024. “There are estimated 800,000 people with disabilities unable to vote in European elections because of legal capacity laws, and millions because of lack of accessibility.” (2022, Inclusion Europe)

The EU Parliament proposes a new electoral law ensuring the political rights of persons with disabilities. (2022, EDF)

Political participation of persons with disabilities. Exploring the right to vote and the right to be a candidate in elections, the report finds some emerging good practices against a concerning backdrop:

“In the 2019 European Parliament elections, approximately 400,000 persons with disabilities in 14 countries were deprived from their right to vote on the basis of their disability.” (2022, EDF)

Political participation of persons with disabilities: what you need to know ahead of the 2024 European Elections. (2022, EDF)

Action needed on voting rights, disability rights and free movement (2022, European Interest)

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Sébastien Peytavie angry after not being able to vote for the presidency himself. The wheelchair-using delegate had to give his ballot to a bailiff in the first rounds of voting for President of the assembly. (In French, Jul, Huffpost)

Anti-ableists against the extreme right and its ideas “Fighting the far right is a matter of survival”. (In French, Jun, Les Dévalideuses)

Charged with attempted rape, Damien Abad will no longer speak for his political group (In French, May, France Info)

Pressure mounts on French disabilities minister accused of rape “In an earlier statement denying the allegations, Abad said his own disability meant he was incapable of sexually assaulting anyone.” (2022, France 24) I don't know more than what's in this article, but I don't buy the disability excuse.

For the elections, a campaign 23 Million Voices of persons with disabilities and caregivers in France to remind politicians of the essential measures to integrate into their campaign program. (2022, APF France Handicap)

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Everyday violence “The anti-disabled attacks in Mönchengladbach are reminiscent of very dark times.” (In German, Jun, Taz)

German parliament welcomes its first deaf lawmaker:

“Heubach will have a fixed place in the plenary hall, unlike most other lawmakers, according to the Bundestag's administration, with interpreters located near her to interpret speeches and her questions. When she makes speeches herself, an interpreter with a microphone will have a place next to the Bundestag's stenographers to interpret for other lawmakers.” (Mar, The Independent)

German far right’s Höcke wants to kick disabled kids out of regular schools (2023, Politico)

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'I Was Screaming': Disabled Russian Alleges Police Tortured Him To Confess To Burning Pro-War Banners. (2022, Radio Free Europe Radio Liberty)

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Ljupka Mihajlovska on participation in politics: “Men play in the first league, women in the second, while women with disabilities in the third”. (Jul, UN Women)

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Mar Galcerán makes history as Spain’s first parliamentarian with Down’s syndrome elected to Valencia's regional assembly. (Jan, the Guardian)

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Visually impaired demand e-voting “The Swiss Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired (SBV) has called for the immediate introduction of electronic voting to eliminate discrimination against the blind in exercising voting and election rights.” (2023, Swissinfo.ch)

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United Kingdom

Does Starmer’s promise of real change include me? “I know many say we have to be patient, and that change will come. But my kids face empty food cupboards on a weekly basis.” (Jul, the Guardian)

Disabled activists pledge ‘no hiding place’ for Labour’s new government “more than 100 protesters gathered opposite the House of Commons to call for action to address the damage caused by 14 years of Conservative rule.” (Jul, Disability News Service)

New disabled MP pledges to fight for inclusive education “Dr Marie Tidball also wants to play a part in increasing the number of disabled people in parliament, fight to improve inclusive mainstream education, and improve healthcare for disabled people.” (Jul, Disability News Service)

There should be over 100 disabled MPs, but there are barely any. UK politics has a huge accessibility problem. “Disabled candidates at all levels of politics report overt and implicit discrimination from their parties, other politicians and the public.” (Jun, the Guardian)

General Election campaign fails to be accessible for Disabled people. (Jun, Disability Rights UK)

Discrimination is holding disabled politicians back – and I’ve seen it first hand

‘The long-serving MP for Harlow, Rob Halfon, who is himself disabled and standing down at this election, said “parliament is probably the worst place to work in the world if you have a disability”.’ (Jun, Big Issue)

Disability Scorecard Results “a tool designed to help you compare the commitments of major political parties in the UK to the demands outlined in the Disabled People’s Manifesto.” (Jun, DPO Forum)

Polling day is dehumanising, says blind voter. (Jun, BBC)

Election debate for deaf and disabled community praised (Jun, BBC)

Making Accessible Transport a Priority election manifesto. (Jun, Transport For All)

MP Craig Mackinlay returns to Commons after having hands and feet amputated (May, the Guardian)

Thousands of disabled people lost their vote at local elections, reports suggest. (2023, Disability News Service)

MP with cerebral palsy has been mocked and accused of being drunk. (2023, Independent)

‘I’ve always felt these spaces were ours’: disability activism and austerity capitalism, reflections on an interview with Disabled People Against the Cuts. (2023, City)

Disabled People's Manifesto “We urge the next UK Government to institute a radical reform programme, to tackle disablist policy making and systemic oppression and injustice, to create a society where everyone has equal life chances and is valued and treated equally.” (2023, DPO Forum)

Breaking down Barriers: a report on Improving Disabled Representation & Participation (2022, Disability Policy Centre)

‘Deaf’ Liz Truss – a curious choice of insult reflecting on the Russian Foreign Minister's comments. (2022, Limping Chicken)

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North America


Convoy Occupation's Politics Pose Unique Threat to Disabled People

"People who required support could no longer access it; streets were no longer being cleared of snow in some areas; and sidewalks had vehicles parked on them. Public space was overrun by those whose interpretation of “freedom” left no room for social responsibility to others and treated someone else’s choice to wear a mask as a provocation." (2022, The Maple)

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Dominican Republic

Municipal Elections 2024 how to register for accessible voting. (In Spanish, Jan, Acento) see the 5 ways the programme helps disabled people participate (CDN).

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A review of participation in political and public life of persons with disabilities, highlighting a lack of data. (In Spanish, Jul, Ramiro Nochez-McNutt)

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The first-reelected legislators with disabilities. Two women with disabilities reelected to their positions. (In Spanish, Jun, Yo También)

Two National Electoral Institute employees with disabilities encouraging others with disabilities to vote. (In Spanish, Apr, Yo También)

IECM presents accessible materials but disabled people find they are not adequate. (In Spanish, Feb, Yo También)

Cripwashing the presence of the National Guard in the Metro of Mexico City – by publishing pictures of them assisting disabled people. (In Spanish, 2023, Yo También)

Statements Urging Stronger Political Representation for People with Intellectual Disabilities (2022, Human Rights Watch)

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United States

Disability-rights activists say Biden was ‘set aside, just like so many of us’ (Aug, Politico)

Project 2025 Would Make Workplace Discrimination a Lot Easier “When we look at the specifics, they really are trying to attack and decimate disability rights.” (Aug, Mother Jones)

Project 2025 and the Threat to Disabled People

“The plan wants to limit federal agencies that make important government rules. Many rules protect disability rights, including rules about making the digital world accessible. The Project 2025 plan attacks climate science, LGBTQIA people, veterans benefits, women’s health, and much more. All of these attacks affect people with disabilities.” (Jul, Law Office of Lainey Feingold)

Donald Trump Told Me Disabled Americans 'Should Just Die' Trump's nephew shares a comment from the start of the covid pandemic. (Jul, Time)

Project 2025 Could Hurt Disabled People “The potential consequences of Project 2025 could cost disabled Americans their freedom or their lives” (Jul, Gracie Dow)

I’m a doctor. Biden’s debate performance led me to a very different takeaway:

“Historically, the age of U.S. presidents has been a subject of debate and scrutiny, with concerns often raised about their physical and mental capacity to handle the rigorous demands of the presidency. When Ronald Reagan took office in 1981 at the age of 69, he became the oldest president to be inaugurated at that time. During his second term, which began when he was 73, questions about his age and cognitive abilities intensified.” (Jul, MSNBC)

No way to run a country:

“How the candidates, voters and media react to age and perceived ability will play a key role in determining the years ahead. Ageism and ableism are key actors in a drama played out on the highest stage, for the highest stakes.” (Jul, Disability Debrief)

Barriers to the Ballot: “From Indiana to Texas, barriers at the polls, such as a lack of ramps and uneven surfaces, still hinder — and often prevent — people with disabilities from voting.” (Jul, Disability Justice Project)

What It’s Like to Run for Office as a Young, Blind Person Disability rights are at the heart of Madeline Ryan Smith’s campaign against a 20-term GOP incumbent. (Jul, Mother Jones)

Disability Advocates Are Winning the Right to Plain Language Voting on proposed ballot measures. (Jun, Mother Jones)

Her speech using a voice app made history in Congress “Some people with disabilities hailed Rep. Jennifer Wexton’s use of text-to-speech technology, but say there is work to be done to advance representation for those who communicate differently.” (May, the 19th)

Texas disabled advocates hold vigil at Governor's Mansion:

“For eight years, members of the disability rights group ADAPT of Texas and their sister organization, the Personal Attendant Coalition of Texas, have been trying to get a meeting with Abbott, who uses a wheelchair. Their chief concern is the pitifully low pay for caregivers, which leaves some disabled Texans without the in-home care they need to prepare meals, use the bathroom, shower and handle other daily tasks so they can safely live at home.” (May, Austin American Statesman)

Churches Don’t Have to Be Accessible. That’s Bad News for Voters. “In 2024, millions of Americans will vote at ADA-exempt religious sites. What if you’re disabled?” (Apr, Mother Jones)

Voting Experiences Since the Help America Vote Act: Perspectives of People with Disabilities. Turnout and accessibility have both increased. (Apr, Election Assistance Commission)

For Those With Stutters, Trump Mocking Biden's Stammer Is Frustratingly Familiar (Mar, Huffpost)

Southern Voters Agree Disabled People Have Inclusivity in Their Local Community but Face Discrimination When It Comes to Interacting With Law Enforcement. (Feb, New Disabled South)

What We Lose by Armchair Diagnosing Biden and Trump

“It is appropriate for people to judge Biden and Trump by their actions. How either mishandled classified documents could be a dealbreaker. How either handles foreign policy, like unconditional funding to the Israeli government, could be a dealbreaker. Trump calling neo-Nazis ‘very fine people’ and then defending it a few years later can also be a dealbreaker. But associating supposed bad actions with age, and aging-related health issues, can lead to these conditions being further stigmatized.” (Feb, Mother Jones)

Canvassing with a Disability: Disabled Political Leaders Share their Best Practices:

“Political campaigns are not one size fits all though. After coming to terms with the inherent inaccessibility, I challenge you to create a non-traditional canvassing plan that meets your needs personally and politically. ” (Jan, Disability Victory)

How Disabled People Are Building Political Power (2023) Non Profit Quarterly

Lawmakers With Disabled Children Find Common Ground in Divided Congress “Members of Congress who have children with disabilities have bonded over that shared experience, despite vast political differences and broader polarization.” (2023, New York Times)

Plain Language Policy Dashboard “The dashboard breaks down complex legislation into plain language, making it easier to understand and making it more accessible. The goal of this dashboard is to have plain language versions of bills in states across the Southern United States.” (2023, New Disabled South) See also further background on the dashboard.

Disabled people are underrepresented in politics. A new organization aims to change that: “Disability Victory will start training the first cohort of disabled people who want to run for office in early 2024.” (2023, The 19th)

Voters with disabilities face unaddressed barriers to the ballot “People with disabilities had a 20 percent likelihood of having difficulties voting in-person, compared to 6 percent for people without a disability.” (2023, The 19th)

Sen. John Fetterman Points Out 1 Huge Benefit Of Being Disabled

“It really made me a fully more empathetic person,” Fetterman said. “And I never thought about captioning before I had the stroke. And now I realize I have to be an advocate for anyone with a disability to have the kind of technology that allows them to fully participate in society.” (2023, Huffpost)

The Majority of Polling Places are Inaccessible. A Disabled Voter Bill of Rights Could Change That. (2023, In These Times)

New Organization Aims To Make Running For Office Accessible To Disabled Candidates “Disability Victory, is one of a new generation of disability campaigns — founded and run by people with disabilities, focused on activism, and intersectional across the full range of constituencies and marginalized communities.” (2023, Forbes)

How a Senate aide and her guide dog made Capitol Hill more accessible for all. (2023, The 19th)

The candidates with disabilities who won their political positions in 2022. (2022, Respect Ability)

New Voting Laws Add Difficulties for People With Disabilities: “Restrictions in several states on mail-in voting are sending more people with disabilities to the polls. What they find isn’t always easy to navigate.” (2022, New York Times)

What does fair and equal media look like with a disabled politician? On properly accommodating John Fetterman. (2022, MSNBC)

Disabled Community Calls Out Ableism In Coverage Of John Fetterman and the focus that coverage put on his use of closed captions. (2022, Huffington Post)

The Right to Be Involved in Politics on the barriers persons with intellectual disabilities face and work done to protect their right to do so. (2022, HPOD)

US voters with disabilities face maze of new restrictions. (2022, the Guardian)

Politicians With Disabilities Are Rare Because of Structural Barriers and discrimination. (2022, Teen Vogue)

Why Vice President Kamala Harris mentioned her blue suit at a disability rights meeting a great set of reflections on the importance to give visual descriptions. (2022, 19th News)

5 Disability Issue Questions To Ask State And Local Midterm Election Candidates (2022, Forbes)

Wisconsin voters with disabilities say their right to vote is at risk (2022, NPR)

in Louisiana Disabled people face GOP pushback in bid to study voting access (2022, Louisiana Illuminator)

Voters with disabilities find barriers in new voting and election laws.

“2020 was probably the most accessible election we’ve seen,” said Michelle Bishop, the voter access and engagement manager at National Disability Rights Network. “We made a lot of changes in response to Covid, which also happened to be best practices for making voting more accessible for people with disabilities. But we are still in the period of pushback to all of those positive changes.” (2022, Vox)

Reflections on the 6th January Insurrection attempt includes a condemnation of people involved using disability to try to get off criminal charges: including the so-called QAnon Shaman attempt to invoke autism. (2022, AAPD)

The Ignominious Deceits of Congressman Cawthorn ”Representative Madison Cawthorn has misled the public about training for the Paralympics, just as he misrepresented his education and business history.” (2022, The Nation)

Accessible Voting a tool to search and find accessible voting options across 50 states. (2022) See more on a blog by Microsoft.

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New Zealand

What would the different parties’ policies mean for disabled people? “Looking at the election policies stacked in front of the New Zealand public this year, I feel as though I have time-travelled back to the 1980s.” (2023, The Spinoff)

$1m Election Access Fund gets mixed response from disabled people. (2022, Stuff)

A disabled person's view of the Wellington occupation (2022, RNZ)

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South America


Lula apologises for using unfortunate language about people with intellectual disabilities. (In Portuguese, 2023, G1)

Lula received the presidential sash from representatives of minority groups including Ivan Baron, an anti-ableism influencer, wearing a white suit graffited with slogans. (In Portuguese, 2023, Globo)

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Disability in the Chilean constitutional process “Both for substantive and procedural reasons, the constitutional process led by the Constitutional Convention offers solid ground to advance the rights of persons with disabilities as a constitutional issue.” (2023, Disability & Society)

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People with disability also exercise their vote through a preferential table in each electoral precinct. (Apr, Expresso)

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Disabled People in Peru's Political Protests. Debrief feature exploring disability in political protests and showing how disabled people are playing an active role in the political crisis. (2023, Disability Debrief)

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